

好了疮疤忘了疼对应英文:The scars forget the pain

又一次被凄凉的美梦惊醒每一次的梦全是你的面孔点燃一根烟坐在了电脑前就当过去只是个梦爱情不要盘旋在我心中我怎么能好了伤疤忘了疼我会慢慢撤退对应英文:Once again be desolate dream wake up every time the dream is all your face lit a cigarette before sitting in computer when the past is a dream of love. How can I not good to forget the scars of love I will slowly retreat in my heart

好了伤疤忘了痛【成语举例】真是好了疮疤忘了痛,你没想到靠救济过日子的时候了。对应英文:Good to forget the scars of pain [for example] idioms is really good scars forget the pain, don't you think living on welfare.

人没有记性是因为教训不够惨痛,但是没有人希望自己得到什么惨痛的教训,所以在这之前就好好改掉自己的小毛病吧!对应英文:No memory is not enough because of painful lessons, but no one wants to get what a painful lesson, so before this to get rid of his faults!

有你如果有医保,可以去刷哪个取消疤痕的药膏涂涂,你去药店直接这样说,就可以了.对应英文:There is if you have health insurance, can go to brush which cancel scar ointment Tu, you go to the pharmacy to say so directly, you can

对于你说的那种情况,可以使用药膏处理,这样会好一点,效果没有你想象的那么好,如果想彻底去除的话,你可以用万众激光去除疮疤,效果是立竿见影的。对应英文:The case for you to say, may use the ointment treatment, it will be better, the effect is not as good as you think, if you want to remove it, you can remove the scar with laser, effect is to get instant results.

对冻疮有特效,每天擦-次,擦了三次能把出现的疱块消除了,半月有余治好了冻疮。冻疮患者不妨一试。 .风油精治疗冻疮将患处洗净,取本品少许涂搽患处,接着用手轻轻地...对应英文:Effects of frostbite, rub a day - time, wiping the three blocks to eliminate blisters can occur, and more than half cured frostbite. Frostbite patients might as well try. Treatment of frostbite. Fengyoujing wash the affected area, apply the product a little Tucha affected area, then by hand gently...

牙膏木有用滴,还刺激皮肤可以用熏衣草精油去疤痕呦,嘻嘻对应英文:Toothpaste wood useful drops, also stimulate the skin can use lavender essential oil to scar Oh, hee hee

孩子容易长痘痘,发东西,可能是你的孩子内热造成的,也可能是遗传(我自己小时候也是这样的)。你在食谱上要多花些心思,在发时鱼虾不能吃的,要多弄点清淡的食物,天热时,你...对应英文:Children are easy to long acne, hair thing, may be the cause of your child heat, may also be genetic (my own kid is like this). Some more floriferous idea in your diet, eat fish and shrimp can not be in the hair, to get some light food, hot days, you...

好了伤疤忘了痛 词曲徐大庆 演唱大庆小芳 男看着你现在傻笑的表情 可爱的样子我替你高兴 女我已经原谅了他的冲动 他说不会再让我心灰意冷 男想着你为他哭红的眼...对应英文:Good pain is forgotten songs Xu Daqing sang Daqing Xiaofang male looking smirk you cute now I am happy for you girl I had forgiven his impulse he said would not let me miss you downhearted male crying red eyes for him...

原文吴王好剑客,百姓多创瘢楚王好细腰,宫中多饿死。 出处《资治通鉴》卷四七《汉纪三十九》 寓意吴王喜爱精通剑术的侠客,为此老百姓身上伤痕累累楚王喜爱腰身纤...对应英文:The original Wu Hao Wang swordsman, people create scar good Chu slender waist, the palace more starved to death. The source "Zizhitongjian" book seven "Han Ji thirty-nine" meaning King love master sword knight, therefore people many scars on the favorite waist fiber...


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