

有志者事竟成对应英文:Where there is a will there is a way

古话说, 有志者事竟成。对应英文:Saying, where there is a will there is a way.

说到理想,我想到有志者事竟成,理想的分量不言而喻。对应英文:When it comes to the ideal, I think where there is a will there is a way, the ideal component is self-evident.

需要一些努力,一些练习和一些耐心,但有志者事竟成!相信你能做到的。对应英文:Need some hard, some practice and some patience, but where there is a will there is a way!

说到理想,我想到有志者事竟成,理想的分量不言而喻。对应英文:When it comes to the ideal, I think where there is a will there is a way, the ideal component is self-evident.

有志者事竟成,最后永正获音乐系录取,入学后更成绩优异,并希望明年毕业后往美国深造。对应英文:Where there is a will there is a way, and finally is won admission to the music, more excellent results after admission, and hope that after graduation to America for further study next year.

需要一些努力,一些练习和一些耐心,但有志者事竟成!相信你能做到的。对应英文:Need some hard, some practice and some patience, but where there is a will there is a way!

有志者事竟成,如果贝克汉姆在这里踢得很好,那一切都可能发生。对应英文:Where there is a will there is a way, if Beckham play well here, and that everything is possible.

她想念完大学,找份好工作养孩子,买栋理想中的房子,梦想听起来彷佛遥不可及,不过她信心满满,相信自己终有一天会「有志者事竟成」。对应英文:She missed the university, find a good job raising children, buy the ideal house, dream sounds far-fetched, but she is confident, believe they will one day "where there is a will there is a way".

既然过路的客人有这样的愿望,因此本地的顾客也就有相同的愿望;于是有志者事竟成。对应英文:Since it passing guests have the desire, so local customers would have the same wish;

我坚信,有志者事竟成,只要有决心和毅力,我这个理想一定会圆满实现的。对应英文:I firmly believe that where there is a will there is a way, as long as have determination and perseverance, I this ideal will be realized successfully.

有志者事竟成,威廉苦练笑容的经历,为这句话做了很好的注解。对应英文:Where there is a will there is a way, William hard smile, made a good annotation for this sentence.

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出处《后汉书 耿合传》有一次,刘秀派耿合去攻打占据山东青州十二郡的豪强张步。张班兵强马壮,是耿合的一个劲敌。张步听说耿合率兵来攻。就派大将军费邑等分兵把守历下、祝阿、临淄,准备迎击。耿合先攻下祝阿,以后用计相继攻下历下和临淄。张步着急起来,亲自带兵反攻临淄,于是在临淄城外进行了一场生死搏斗的大血战。在战斗中,耿合大腿中了一箭,可是他勇敢地用佩刀砍断箭杆,带伤仍坚持战斗。刘秀闻讯。亲自带兵前来支援。在援兵还未到达的时候,部将陈俊认为张步兵力强大,建议暂时休战,等到援兵来后再发动进攻。可是耿合却认为不能把困难留给别人,经过一场激烈的战斗,耿合终于把张步打得大败。几天后,刘秀来到临淄,慰劳军队。他在许多将官面前夸奖耿合说:“过去韩信破历下开创基业,现在将军攻克祝阿,连战连捷,两功相仿,从前你在南阳曾建议请求平定张步,我当时以为你口气太大,恐怕难以成功,如今才知道,有志者事竟成啊!”

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