

近乡情更怯对应英文:Close to the countryside is more afraid

近乡情更怯,不敢问来人 出自 《渡汉江》(宋之问) 岭外音书断,经冬复历春。 近乡情更怯,不敢问来人。 《渡汉江》是宋之问诗中流传最为广泛的一首小诗,它之所以动人,...对应英文:Near my village, timid, afraid to ask someone from the "crossing the river" (Song Zhiwen) Ling sound sketch, the winter spring complex calendar. Now, nearing my village, meeting people, I dare not ask a single question. "Du" is the Song Poetry in the spread of the Hanjiang River is a little poem widely, it is moving,...

正好旁边有唐诗书,给你搬上,诗人在当是因犯罪而被流放到外,而到期后,回到家乡,但是害怕因为自己的过错使自己的家人受到牵连,而表现出来的感情,我太喜欢这句话了对应英文:Just next to the poetry book, give you up, the poet when because of crime and was banished to the outside, and after the expiration, returned to his hometown, but fear for his fault that implicated his family, and the emotion, I too like this sentence

近乡情更怯, 不敢问来人。 诗化散文 自从我被朝廷贬斥,一直住在岭南,那里一片荒凉,整天与我作伴的,只有那些光秃秃的山头,心中的郁闷也没有人听我倾诉。甚至连与家中...对应英文:Now, nearing my village, meeting people, I dare not ask a single question. Poetic prose since I was the bad, has been living in south of the Five Ridges, where a desolate, all day with my company, only those bald hill, depressed mind no one to listen to me. Even with the home...

渡汉江 宋之问 岭外音书断, 经冬复历春。 近乡情更怯, 不敢问来人。 诗化散文 自从我被朝廷贬斥,一直住在岭南,那里一片荒凉,整天与我作伴的,只有那些光秃秃的山头,...对应英文:Du Hanjiang Song Ling sound sketch, the winter spring complex calendar. Now, nearing my village, meeting people, I dare not ask a single question. Poetic prose since I was the bad, has been living in south of the Five Ridges, where a desolate, all day with my company, only the bare hill,...

宋之问的度汉江指远离家乡多年,不通音信,一旦返回,离家乡越近,心情越不平静,惟恐家乡发生了什么不幸的事。用以形容游子归乡时的复杂心情。对应英文:The song of the away from home for many years, out of touch, once back, away from the hometown near, the mood is not calm, what misfortune happened for fear of hometown. The representation of return home to describe complex mood.

近乡情更怯, 不敢问来人。 这是宋之问从泷州(今广东罗定县)贬所逃归,途经汉江(指襄阳附近的一段汉水)时写的一首诗。 前两句追叙贬居岭南的情况。贬斥蛮荒,本就够悲苦...对应英文:Now, nearing my village, meeting people, I dare not ask a single question. This is the song from the long state (now Luoding County, Guangdong) he fled to, by way of Hanjiang River (Xiangyang near a river) a poem written. The first two flashback in exile in the situation in south of the Five Ridges. Denounce the wild, enough sorrow...

有《宋之问集》。 出处宋之问《渡汉江》"岭外音书绝,经冬复历春。近乡情更怯,不敢问他人。" 赏释本诗是作者由贬处泷州(今广东省罗定县)逃归洛阳时途经汉江(汉水中...对应英文:A "set" song. From "Hanjiang River" "Song Zhiwen Du Ling sound book, by the winter spring complex calendar. Near my village, timid, afraid to ask others. This poem is the author of "a release from depreciating at long state (now Luoding County, Guangdong) fled to Luoyang via Han (Han water...

近乡情更怯,不敢问来人 表达了诗人思念家乡心切,却又怕人知的矛盾心情。 一方面诗人日夜思念家人,另一方面又时刻担心家人由于自己的牵累而遭受不幸。而且这种矛盾之...对应英文:Near my village, timid, afraid to ask people expressed the poet miss home eager, but fear that ambivalence. On one hand, the poet day and night miss family, on the other hand, always worry about family and unhappy because of his tie. And this kind of contradiction...

近乡情更怯,不敢问(来)人.出自《渡汉江》(宋之问)岭外音书断,经冬复历春。近乡情更怯,不敢问来人。对应英文:Near my village, timid, does not dare (to). From the Hanjiang River "Du" (Song Zhiwen) Ling sound sketch, the winter spring complex calendar. Now, nearing my village, meeting people, I dare not ask a single question.

李频《渡汉江》"近乡情更却,不敢问来人对应英文:Li Pin "Du" Hanjiang River "near my village, but, I dare not ask people


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