

恨之欲其死对应英文:Hate to die

恶之欲其死,既欲其生,又欲其死,是惑也。 爱他的时候就想让他活着,恨他的时候想让他死,又想让他生,又想让他...他让你又爱又恨让你爱之欲生恨之欲死的人才是牵动你心的人 ...对应英文:To the evil dead, want him live, also want him dead, is confusion. Love him to let him live, hate him wanted him dead, want to let him live, and let him... He let you love and hate to let you love to hate to die who is affecting your heart...

爱之欲其生,恶之欲其死 发 音 à ī ù í ē,ù ī ù í ǐ 释 义 喜爱他时,总想叫他活着讨厌他时,总想叫他死掉。指极度地凭个人爱憎对待人。 出 处 《论语...对应英文:Dote on, to the Evil Dead phonetic à ī ù í ē, ù ī ù í ì Ji release righteousness like him, always want to call him alive to hate him, always want to call him. The extreme personal feelings to others. A "the Analects of confucius...

爱他的时候就想让他活着,恨他的时候想让他死对应英文:Love him to let him live, hate him want him dead

喜爱他时,总想叫他活着讨厌他时,总想叫他死掉。即想让他活又想让他死,(表示又爱又恨,可从出处看出 《论语·颜渊》),真是让我困惑啊。对应英文:Love him, always want to call him alive to hate him, always want to call him. That is to let him live and let him die (say, love and hate, from the source to see "the Analects of Confucius yen yuan"), it really makes me confused.

喜爱他时总想叫他活着讨厌他时总想叫他死掉。即想让他活又想让他死,真是让我困惑啊。表示对一个人又爱又恨。对应英文:Always want to call him that he hated him dead alive like him. That is to let him live and let him die, let me really confused ah. Said of a person of love and hate.

这是人的私欲的极端表现喜欢它就得到它占有它,得不到就毁了它!对应英文:This is the extreme manifestation of personal desires like it get possession of it, not to destroy it!

。。。。这个故事我可能叙述得不全面,但它表达的意思就是"爱欲其生 恨欲其死"既然是生又是死的,就不要疑惑了对应英文:.... This story may I described is not comprehensive, but is "love the students hate to die" since it is born is dead, don't doubt

五载哀欢,匆匆永诀,天道复奚论,欲死未能因母老万千别恨向谁言,一身愁病,渺渺离魂,人间应不久,遗文编就答君心。对应英文:Five years of mourning Huan, hurried goodbye, Tao Xi on to death, failing to Master Lao Wan thousand don't hate to who made a tiny, worry about disease, soul, earth shall soon, by making a gentleman.

种种原因导致矛盾不断,后期更是时时争吵),但志摩飞机失事,他们再也没法想见,小曼追念志摩情意,欲共赴黄泉,奈何母亲年迈,无人照顾,所以未能如愿。自己与爱人死别的痛苦...对应英文:A variety of reasons lead to conflict, the latter is always quarrel), but by a plane crash, they couldn't imagine, "remember Shima affection, desire died, but his elderly mother, no one to take care of, so the failed. Their love and death pain...

亲,把我知道的都告诉你吧。 .红糖水姜水喝上,热水泡脚。平时也要泡。宫寒。这是平时的保养。 .益母草冲剂或是膏在月经来前两天就吃上,经期也吃,活血的,止痛效果还可...对应英文:Dear, tell you everything I know. Brown sugar water to drink. Ginger water, hot water foot bath. Usually have to bubble. The winter palace. This is the usual maintenance. . motherwort medicine or ointment two days before the onset of menstruation menstruation eat, eat, and activating blood circulation, analgesic effect can also...


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