

言善不难行善难对应英文:It is not difficult to do good to say good

知道过错是不难的,真正难的是改正过错谈论善良是不难的,真正难的是做好事。 这是一句谚语啊。对应英文:Know the fault is not difficult, really difficult is correct fault about kindness is not difficult, really hard is to do good. This is a proverb.

如果一个人的言行举止很正确的话,既便是离他很远(千里那么远)的人还是会支持他.如果他的言行举止不正确的话,既便是离他很远(千里那么远)的人也会违背他的. 正确的就会...对应英文:If a man behave very correctly, it is far from him (thousands of miles away) people will support him. If his behavior is not correct, it is far from him (thousands of miles away) people will go against his will. The correct...

一个人常常把行善(做好事,积德)挂在嘴边,但却不采取有效的行动。就是说着容易做起来难。对应英文:A person often do good (good deeds, deeds) hang in the mouth, but do not take effective action. That is easier said than done.

◎世界上有两种人可以得到快乐和幸福一是修善不造罪的人,一是造罪知道忏悔的人。◎过去的事已经过去,从现...◎我们行善安心,才真正要紧。◎守护自己的人,也守护别人眼中...对应英文:In the world there are two kinds of people can be happy and happy one is repaired do not make the man of sin, a maker of crime know repentance. A thing of the past, from now... The us good peace of mind, really. The guardian of her people, but also protect the eyes of others...

. 择善人而交, 择善书而读, 择善言而听, 择善行而从。  . 一个人的快乐,不是因为他拥有的多,而是因为...二、行善。  .存平等心,行方便事,则天下无事。怀慈悲心,...对应英文:. what is good and people to pay, what books and reading, and listening to what words, what is good from the line. A person's happiness, not because he has many, but because two, good... . deposit of equal mind, for convenience, has no matter in the world. With compassion,...

善利于别人的行为与思想就是!行善积德,就是做好人 行好事 ,就是福事 能有一个好的生存环境对应英文:Good behavior and thoughts to others is! Good deeds, is a good person to do good deeds, is a blessing to have a good living environment

这是儒家学说,而不是佛家或道家的说法。它的意思是说,判断善、恶与是、非首先要看其动机是否纯正,而不是只看现实的行为结果。佛家修行是一心向善,从有心到无心,再到"...对应英文:This is Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism is not. It is said that, judging good and evil, and is not, first to see its motive is pure, not just look at the realistic behavior results. The Buddhist practice is a good one, from the heart to the mistake, then to"...

急需!!!!!!!!!快!!!!!!!!!!!!对应英文:Urgent!!!!!!!! quick!!!!!!!!!!!!

随缘行善,心无挂碍。 --日行一善成语诵读(作者孟云虎) 勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。 --《三国志·蜀书·先主传》裴松之注。对应英文:You do good, have no cares. -- one idiom reading (Meng Yunhu) do not be small and in bad, not good for small. -- "Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Shu Shu, first lord" Pei Songzhi note.

行善 做善事。《国语·周语上》"口之宣言也,善败于是乎兴,行善而备败,其所以阜财用、衣食者也。"《列子·说符》"行善不以为名,而名从之。"《京本通俗小说·拗相公》"...对应英文:Do good to do good deeds. "Declaration" in Mandarin, language week "also, good defeats so Xing, do good and preparing the defeat, so fu Cai, and also. "" Liezi said. "" do not think, but from the. "Beijing" the popular novels, break you ""...


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