

人小志气大对应英文:A little ambition big

一把纸伞遮娇容 见你稳呀午呀见你君子风 少年书生志气虹 谁知你呀就呀是当年 救命的人小牧童 小牧童呀小牧童呀大恩公 约定三生雨心同 指望夫妻和顺把恩报 谁知梦醒太...对应英文:A paper umbrella Zhe Jiaorong see you firm ah Wu ah see you gentleman wind young scholar who knows your ambition Hong ah ah is that help people little shepherd boy. Little boy ah big benefactor agreed sansei Yu Xintong expect couples and the en el who knows the dream too...

可能会怎么样这话让我很不爽(看世界之大)拍拍屁股我就去闯荡(让天大地大)有些事情我能一肩扛(人小志气大)不要小看任何的梦想同龄人全都和我一样棒看世界之大太超乎想...对应英文:This may be how to upset me (see the big world) clap bottom I to go (let the world is boundless) some things I can carry a (human ambition) do not belittle any dream peers all and I like to see the world much too beyond stick to...

人小志气大,辛苦我不怕。日常学雷锋,平凡也伟大。叔叔把我夸,奶奶笑哈哈。大家做好事,处处传佳话。对应英文:Human ambition, hard work I am not afraid. Daily Lei Feng, ordinary also great. Uncle praise me, grandmother laugh. All good things, every story.

邮箱多少,我发给你对应英文:The mailbox, I sent you

我心中的黄河是有着汹涌澎湃的气魄,因为黄河拥有着我们伟大的民族精神。 望着黄河滚滚的奔向东南,惊涛澎湃着的黄河,掀起万丈狂澜,浊流宛转,结成九曲连环从昆仑山下奔...对应英文:My the Yellow River is a surging the boldness of vision, because the Yellow River has a spirit of our great nation. Looking at the the Yellow River rolling toward the southeast, the surging the Yellow River, lifted from the raging waves, turbidity change, kunigas nauajn grandajn golfojn from Kunlun Mountains ran...

儿歌《人小志气大》对应英文:Nursery rhyme "human ambition"

少年壮志 志向远大 胸怀壮志对应英文:Juvenile ambition ambitious ambitions

说人小志气大,辛苦我不怕。日常学雷锋,平凡也伟大。叔叔把我夸,奶奶笑哈哈。日常做好事,处处传佳话。唱人小志气大,辛苦我不怕。日常学雷锋,平凡也伟大。叔叔把我夸...对应英文:Said Jimmy gas, hard and I am not afraid. Daily Lei Feng, ordinary also great. Uncle praise me, grandmother laugh. Daily to do good, every story. Sing one ambition, hard work I am not afraid. Daily Lei Feng, ordinary also great. Uncle praise me...

小人得志对应英文:A small man intoxicated by success

舞蹈班的小朋友首先为大家带来精彩的《人小志气高》,请大家热烈欢迎谢谢,下面是男孩子们往往最喜爱的《中国功夫》谢谢舞蹈班小朋友的精彩舞蹈,看完舞蹈,大班语...对应英文:Dance classes friend first to bring you the best of "little ambition high", please give a warm welcome to you, here are the boys often like "thank you" China Kung Fu dance classes friend wonderful dance, I dance, class language...


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