

高者未必贤对应英文:High is not good

我觉得是身居高官或要职的未必一定都是贤能之士,而平常百姓和下职的也未必都是无能之辈。对应英文:I think it is a senior official or important positions not necessarily virtuous and talented scholar, and ordinary people, and vocational also are not necessarily incompetent.

金张世禄原宪贤,牛衣寒贱貂蝉贵。   貂蝉与牛衣,高下虽有殊。   高者未必贤,下者未必愚。   君不见沉沉海底生珊瑚,历历天上种白榆!对应英文:Jin Zhang Shilu yuan Xian Xian, cattle clothing humble Diao Changui. Diao Chan and cattle clothing, although it up. High is not virtuous, are not stupid. Do you not see the heavy sea corals, clear sky white elm!

金张世禄原宪贫, 牛衣寒贱貂蝉贵。 貂蝉与牛衣, 高下虽有殊。 高者未必贤, 下者未必愚。 君不见沉沉海底生珊瑚。 历历天上种白榆。 松树 【唐】白居易 白金换得青松...对应英文:Jin Zhang Shilu yuan Xian poor, humble Diao Changui cattle. Diao Chan and cattle clothing, although it up. High is not virtuous, are not stupid. Do you not see the deep sea corals. What kind of white elm sky. Pine [] Bai Juyi platinum for Chung tang...

"欲穷千里目,更上一层楼"与"登高望远"是一个道理,可是,站得高未必望得远。如果站在高处目空一切,只顾自我陶醉,那又何来远望的眼光呢现实中,胸无大志的人,即使登...对应英文:"For a grander sight, one floor" and "long-term perspective" it is a truth, however, HISTEP may not look far. If you stand on the height of supercilious, only indulge in self-delusion, that how to look at life in reality, with no ambition at all people, even if the board...

对句治国何妨小人国 出句经商未必高智商 对句黑道何曾走正道 出句经商未必高智商对应英文:The country of Lilliput sentence what sentence business may not be high IQ couplet ever walk the path of a sentence in underworld not high IQ

另虽然健康体质先天就好,但因后天训练或比赛受伤,也会导致伤病,所以说高水平运动员的身体未必健康。 总之就是 催谷过度。 经习过量。 压力过大。 衰老过早。 食药过...对应英文:The other although health innate good, but because the training or game, can also cause injury, so that the high level athlete's body is not healthy. A word is excessive hard. After learning the excess. The pressure is too large. Premature aging. The food and Drug Administration...

可能是为了炫耀。一般在公众场合拿平板出来拍照的,拿出来的基本上都是苹果平板电脑或者几千块以上的高级安卓系统的平板,拿出来有面子,而且像素不低,画质很好,也...对应英文:May be in order to show off. The general public with flat out to take photographs, take out is basically flat apple tablet computer or thousands more advanced Android, get out there, and the pixel is not low, quality is very good, also...

呵呵 兄弟 你想找的是好视力眼贴吧 去他们的官网看看吧对应英文:Oh brother, you want to find a good eyesight eye Post Bar go to have a look on their website

眼光看古代,其实古人很聪明,不过几千年好多技术都失传了。另外,射箭的精准很大一部分是手感,高手是可以百步穿杨的。对应英文:Look at the ancient times, in fact, the ancients is very clever, but for thousands of years, many technologies are lost. In addition, an accurate is a large part of feeling, can master these.

要个子高的男生不一定是打架的,你的想法很幼稚。个子高看上去人有气质,显得精神。对应英文:To the tall boys is not to fight, your idea is childish. Tall look people have temperament, the spirit appears.


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