

明人不说暗话对应英文:Ming is not dark
明人不说暗话  (míng rén bù shuō àn huà)

形容人狂妄愚昧,胡说八道。【谩辞哗说】指谎言乱语。【门到户说】到各家各户宣传解说。【明人不说暗话】明光明正大。光明正大的人说实在话,不转弯抹角。【盲人说象】...对应英文:Describe people arrogant folly, nonsense. [] refers to Manciyeshuo lie gibberish. [] Mendaohushuo to homes publicity interpretation. [Ming people don't say words] the light is dark. People who work in just ways to tell the truth, not full of twists and turns. On the basis of one-sided viewpoint.

狂妄无知,信口开河。形容人狂妄愚昧,胡说八道。 【谩辞哗说】指谎言乱语。 【门到户说】到各家各户宣传解说。 【明人不说暗话】明光明正大。光明正大的人说实在对应英文:Arrogant and ignorant, too. Describe people arrogant folly, nonsense. [] refers to Manciyeshuo lie gibberish. [] Mendaohushuo to homes publicity interpretation. [Ming people don't say words] the light is dark. Work in just ways people to tell the truth

【谩辞哗说】指谎言乱语。 【门到户说】到各家各户宣传解说。 【明人不说暗话】明光明正大。光明正大的人说实在话,不转弯抹角。 【盲人说象】比喻看问题以偏概全。...对应英文:[] refers to Manciyeshuo lie gibberish. [] Mendaohushuo to homes publicity interpretation. [Ming people don't say words] the light is dark. People who work in just ways to tell the truth, not full of twists and turns. [] Mangrenshuoxiang analogy problems Overgeneralization. ...

狂妄无知,信口开河。形容人狂妄愚昧,胡说八道。 【谩辞哗说】指谎言乱语。 【门到户说】到各家各户宣传解说。 【明人不说暗话】对应英文:Arrogant and ignorant, too. Describe people arrogant folly, nonsense. [] refers to Manciyeshuo lie gibberish. [] Mendaohushuo to homes publicity interpretation. People who don't speak dark if [Ming]

明人不说暗话对应英文:Ming is not dark

【诲人不惓】教导人特别耐心,从不厌倦。同"诲人不倦"。 【明人不说暗话】明光明正大。光明正大的人说实在话,不转弯抹角。 【明人不做暗事】心地光明的人不做偷偷摸...对应英文:[] Huirenbujuan taught in particular patient, never tired of. "Be tireless in teaching others the same". [Ming people don't say words] the light is dark. People who work in just ways to tell the truth, not full of twists and turns. [an honest man does nothing underhand] a bright person do not secretly touch...

作者柳暗话明|更新时间类别都市言情  失业青年方翔,回到了乡下祖屋,靠着十亩薄田聊以度日,在种田的过程中,发现了一个有着神秘力量的太岁,太岁能给予一些危险植物...对应英文:The dark | update time category words that urban romantic youth unemployment in Fang Xiang, returned to the countryside home, on ten acres Susukida talk to live, in the farming process, found a mysterious force of Jupiter, Jupiter can give some dangerous plant...

【明白如话】形容诗文通俗易懂,像唠家常一样。【没巧不成话】无巧不成书。指非常凑巧。【明人不说暗话】明光明正大。光明正大的人说实在话,不转弯抹角。【狼烟大话】...对应英文:[] described and understood straightaway, like Lao homely. [a] not clever not There is no story without coincidences. A coincidence. [Ming people don't say words] the light is dark. People who work in just ways to tell the truth, not full of twists and turns. Langyandahua []...

唉,悠悠我心悲,仰视浮云白,人生自古谁无钱,留取钱财照汗青。明人不说暗话,快还我五十元!!对应英文:Oh, yo my heart sad, look up at the clouds of white, life since ancient times who does not have money, take money as history. Ming is not dark, soon I fifty yuan!!

明人不说暗话 好吧 你要打架 最好学散打。找个武馆专门学散打,散打最直接最实用,而且速成 而且比较不受年龄限制 如果你以上以下好好练两三个月可以对付,个普通成...对应英文:Wise men don't say dark if well fight better learn Sanda you want. Find a martial arts school Sanda Sanda, the most direct and practical, but also fast and is not restricted by age if you above the following good practice two or three months can deal with, ordinary into...

俗语明人不说暗话míng rén bù shuō àn huà是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/1404.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。


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