

大人不记小人过对应英文:A great man rarely stoops to pettiness or harbors grievance for past wrongs
  【读音】dà rén bù jì xiǎo rén guò

大人不计小人过,宰相肚里能行船。对应英文:Act broad-minded, prime minister goes to sail a boat.

谦成自己为小人,希望对方不要与自己计较自己的过错,是一种主动认错的态度 或者写成 大人不计小人过 计计较对应英文:The modest into their own as the villain, wish you don't care about and their own fault, is a kind of active mistake attitude or written act broad-minded Gauge Calculation

嗯,知道错了就好…… 通知以后禁止满鉴霆踏入我空间一步,不许告诉任何人我的私人"领空"。若再次发现,后果自负!酌情其今后表现,可免其罪! 啊~哈哈哈哈哈哈哈~~~~~对应英文:Well, know is wrong...... Notice when it is full Jianting enter my space step, don't tell anyone my private "airspace". If again found, the consequences!, its future performance, avoid sin! Ah ~ ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

宰相肚里能撑船。大人不记小人过,君子勿动小人火。海纳百川,有容乃大。壁立千仞,无欲则刚。对应英文:Magnanimous. Adults do not mind a villain, the villain fire nogo. All rivers run into sea, tolerance is a virtue. A precipice, One can be austere without selfish desires.

看完你的事我很是气愤!因为让我想起我上小学的时候碰见的那个恶毒老师,和你说的差不多,后来好几个家长去找过学校校长,结果给了那个老是处分!差点没开出她!现在的好多...对应英文:Watching you. I was very angry! Because reminds me of that evil teacher met my primary school days, and you say the same, but several parents went to the school principal, the results give that always punished! Almost didn't leave her better now...

是第回 秀才说的对应英文:Is a return to the scholar says

大人指君子.小人指品德不好的人对应英文:Adults that gentleman. The villain that bad people

是第回对应英文:Is the back

宽宏大量对应英文:Be kind and generous

最后他回到陆地上后 自己挖了一个坑 长年住在坑里.得了自庇症, 最后死了.对应英文:At last he returned to earth after they dug a pit for many years in the pit. A self Kinabalu disease, finally died

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