

瞎子吃汤圆对应英文:The blind to eat dumplings

心里有数对应英文:Know the score

盲人吃汤圆,心中有数对应英文:Blind to eat Glutinous Rice Balls, know the score

螃蟹走路-(横行霸道) 、麻绳提豆腐-(提不起来) 、瞎子吃汤圆-(心里有数) 、肉包子打狗-(有去无回) 、姜太公钓鱼-(愿者上钩) 、骑驴看唱本-(走着瞧) 、矮子踩高跷...对应英文:Crabs walk (run amuck, hemp rope extraction) - tofu - (not to mention), blind to eat Glutinous Rice Balls - (heart), dog meat - (a), Jiang Taigong fishing - (bait), donkey libretto to see - (wait and see), dwarf stilt...

瞎子吃汤圆-心里有数 王婆买瓜-自卖自夸 半空中点灯- 糟糕(照高丈二的和尚-摸不着头脑 和尚打伞-无法无天他愤怒的要发狂对应英文:The blind man eating Glutinous Rice Balls - mind your melons - praise the goods one sells midair lighting - bad (as high Zhang two monks - feel at a loss the monk umbrella - defy laws human and divine his angry mad

白费蜡对应英文:Bai Feila

应该是瞎子吃汤圆,心中有数吧哑巴吃黄莲,有苦说不出!对应英文:Should be the blind eat Glutinous Rice Balls know the score, you dumb to eat in silence, have cannot say painstakingly!

瞎子照镜--无望瞎子过独木桥---摸着走 瞎子吃汤圆--不知方圆 瞎子认针--对不上眼 瞎子逛大街--目中无人瞎子望天窗---不明不白 瞎子吃核桃--砸了手瞎子劈材---斧斧在地...对应英文:Blind mirror -- hopeless blind single plank bridge - feeling go blind to eat Glutinous Rice Balls -- not a blind eye to recognize needle -- not blind wandering the streets at the roof --- not clear arrogant blind - blind eat walnuts -- smashed hand blind chopping wood - ax ax on the ground...

瞎子吃汤圆--不知方圆对应英文:The blind man eating -- not Glutinous Rice Balls radius

心中有数对应英文:Know the score

驴------闷逮哑巴上馆子------痛不可言哑巴见瞎子------比划不清哑巴唱戏------莫明其妙哑巴吃饺子------心里...吃黄连------有苦无处诉哑巴吃元宵------肚里有数哑巴吃萤火...对应英文:The donkey, stuffy dumb out. - pain can not be blind, dumb to see not clear mute opera - a play dumb eat dumplings, heart... Eat Coptis - have no complaints dumb eat yuanxiao, hundreds of dummy eat the stomach...


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