

流言止于智者对应英文:A wise man does not believe in rumours

. 流言止于智者,出自《荀子•大略》,指没有根据的话,传到有头脑的人那里就不能再流传了。形容谣言经不起分析。对应英文:. rumors would stop a wise man, from the "Xunzi may", refers to the groundless words, to the thinking people there cannot be spread. Describe the rumor not analysis.

前半句说智者是不会把听来的流言继续传播下去的后半句说聊天时发现对方发来只有"呵呵"的时候, 说明对方已经不想聊天了, 没什么有兴趣的话题可聊了对应英文:The first half of the sentence that man is not to listen to rumors spread in the second half sentence said found a chat each other only "ha ha", that the other party has not want to chat, not what interested topic to talk about

流言止于智者。 --《荀子·大略》 智者说,要有光,于是世间充满了光明。 智者说,要有万物,于是世间充满了万物。 有人说了,这是上帝说的,不是智者。 哦,对不起,和大家一样...对应英文:A wise man does not believe in rumours. -- "Xunzi about" the wise man said, "let there be light, and the world is full of light. The wise man said, to have everything, and the world is full of things. Someone said, this is God, not man. Oh, sorry, and everybody else...

《荀子·大略》"流丸止于瓯臾,流言止于智者。"对应英文:"Xunzi may" "flow pill to Ou Yu, gossip stops to the. "

流言纷纷,庸人谈论,道听途说,智者有自己的判断力,流言对智者没有影响,呵呵是聊天常用的语言,如果谈天经常呵呵,也是无话可聊,就此停止了对应英文:Rumors swirled about, mediocre, hearsay, wise men have their own judgment, rumor has no effect on the wise man, ha ha is the common language of chat chat, if often ha ha, but no words to talk, stop

流言止于智者"。【解释】瓯臾(ō ú) 杨倞 注"瓯、臾,皆瓦器也。 扬子云 《方言》云 陈 、 魏 、 郑 、 宋 之间,谓罃为臾。瓯臾谓地之坳坎如瓯臾者也。" 清 梁章...对应英文:A wise man does not believe in rumours. [explain] Ou Yu (ō ú) Yang Liang note "Ou, Yu, all shall also. Between Yang Ziyun "dialect" Yun Chen, Wei, Zheng, song, that Ying for yu. Ou Yu said that the Ao Hom as Ou Yu also. "Qing Liang chapter...

流言止于智者。--《荀子·大略》引古语 瓯臾瓦器,一说凹下之地。 流动的弹丸在瓦器中会停止,谣言传到明白人那里就平息。引申为聪明人可以动脑筋判断,不会轻信谣言。对应英文:A wise man does not believe in rumours. -- "Xunzi may" lead the Ou Yu vessel, the said concave. The flow of the projectile will stop in a vessel of earth, to understand people there to quell rumors. Extended to smart people thinking judgment, not credulous.

往事的流言蜚语在智者嘴里停止流传,聊天中的呵呵将停止一个话题。对应英文:The past tattle and prate stop circulating in the mouth, in the chat Oh will stop a topic.

"谣言止于智者"原作"流言止于智者。"用词不同,意思一样。出处是《荀子·大略》"流丸止于瓯臾,流言止于智者。" 没有根据的话,传到有头脑的人那里就不能再流传了。形容...对应英文:"The rumor stops to the" original "gossip stops to the. "The words are different, the same meaning. The source is "Xunzi may" "flow pill to Ou Yu, gossip stops to the. "Groundless words, to the thinking people there cannot be spread. Describe...

流言止于智者, 蜚语来自小人。 横批清浊自知对应英文:Rumors would stop a wise man, gossip from the villain. Banners voicing aware

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