

一日夫妻百日恩对应英文:One day the couple hundred days grace
一日夫妻百日恩  (yī rì fū qī bǎi rì ēn) 解释:一旦结为夫妻,就有经久不衰的深厚恩情。

一日夫妻百日恩"讲究时间跨度是从"一日"到"百日",或依此类推"百日夫妻似海深",特别强调的是"恩情"。所以我们就时常听到"恩爱夫妻"这样的说法了,总是把"恩"放在第一位...对应英文:One day the couple hundred days grace "pay attention to the time span is from" one day "to the" hundred days ", or by analogy" the couple hundred days like deep sea ", special emphasis is" ". So we often hear "husband and wife" such view, always put the "grace" in the first place...

俗话说"一日夫妻百日恩,百日夫妻似海深" "一日夫妻百日恩"讲究时间跨度是从"一日"到"百日",或依此类推"百日夫妻似海深",特别强调的是"恩情"。所以我们就时常听到"...对应英文:As the saying goes, "one day the couple hundred days grace, the couple hundred days like deep sea" "one day the couple hundred days grace" pay attention to the time span is from "one day" to the "hundred days", or by analogy "the couple hundred days like deep sea", with particular emphasis on the "kindness". So we often hear"...

婚姻是爱情发展到了一定阶段成熟的过程,它是爱情收获的季节。没有婚姻的爱情只是一个模糊的画面,而婚姻是画中真实的美景。有了婚姻才有了美好而充实的生活,才有了儿女...对应英文:Marriage is the love to the development of the mature process in a certain stage, it is a harvest season of love. The marriage did not love just a vague picture, and marriage is the true beauty. A marriage is a happy and fulfilling life, only the children...

片尾曲不好找 我只找到了片头曲《思念是我手中的线》 上搜狗搜 音乐搜不到对应英文:The piece postlude are not easy to get all I found was the theme song "missing is my hand on the line" Sogou search music search not to

一日夫妻百日恩,百日夫妻似海深对应英文:One day the couple hundred days grace, the couple hundred days as deep as the sea

就叫 思念是我手中的线对应英文:Called miss is my hand line

不是色,而是情比金坚。对应英文:Not color, but love is stronger than gold.

《思念是我手中的线》对应英文:"You are my hands line"

"一日夫妻百日恩"讲究时间跨度是从"一日"到"百日",或依此类推"百日夫妻似海深",特别强调的是"恩情"。所以我们就时常听到"恩爱夫妻"这样的说法了,总是把"恩"放在第一位...对应英文:"One day the couple hundred days grace" pay attention to the time span is from "one day" to the "hundred days", or by analogy "the couple hundred days like deep sea", with particular emphasis on the "kindness". So we often hear "husband and wife" such view, always put the "grace" in the first place...

真爱的情注定坎坷 你我今日不知能否错过 真爱的情充满喜怒和哀乐 我的爱人我应该怎样向你诉说 共同栽下的树就盼它结果 携手走过的路就得同去爬坡 同心结下的缘拆也拆...对应英文:Love love doomed bumpy you today I can not miss the love feeling is full of anger and sorrow I love how I should tell you planted trees for it to pass through the road will go climbing knot under the edge and removed...

俗语一日夫妻百日恩yī rì fū qī bǎi rì ēn是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/1084.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

出处:明·兰陵笑笑生《金瓶梅词话》第73回:“常言一日夫妻百日恩,相随百步也有徘徊之意,一个热突突人儿,指头儿似的少了一个,如何不想不疼不思念的!” 示例:林海音《婚姻的故事》:“因为‘~’呀,但是偏偏又在那新旧交替的时代。”

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