

有过之而无不及对应英文:More so
有过之而无不及,拼为yǒu guò zhī ér wú bù jí,指相比之下,只有超过而不会不如。  有过之而无不及   拼音: yǒu guò zhī ér wú bù jí 简拼: ygzj   近义词:   反义词:     用法:     解释: 过:超过;及:赶上。相比之下,只有超过而不会不如。   出处:     例子: 自古以来,做官越做越富,教书越教越穷。到了中华民国,更是~。(

但正如所料,法国是有过之而无不及。对应英文:But, as expected, France was worse.

尽管美元很疲弱,英镑却是有过之而无不及。对应英文:While the dollar was weak, the pound is more so.

当然,小组的形势比较严峻。 然而,阿根廷做得,只能是有过之而无不及,因为他们的巧妙安排,一目了然。对应英文:Of course, the group of more severe situation.

但正如所料,法国是有过之而无不及。对应英文:But, as expected, France was worse.

当然,小组的形势比较严峻。 然而,阿根廷做得,只能是有过之而无不及,因为他们的巧妙安排,一目了然。对应英文:Of course, the group of more severe situation.

他们对待人民的做法比种族隔离政权有过之而无不及。对应英文:They treat people even more than the apartheid regime.

这座宅邸是凯瑟琳宫的小复制版,但是其装潢的奢华真的是有过之而无不及!对应英文:Catherine palace, the palace is a small copy version, but its decorate luxurious really is worse!

她说,现在公众对气候变化的关注比起2009年底哥本哈根气候峰会时有过之而无不及,这一点尤其引人注目。对应英文:Now, she says, the public attention to climate change than climate summit in Copenhagen at the end of 2009, when this is especially striking.

基于黑人女性健康恶化速率比十年前有过之而无不及的事实,格容尼莫斯认为上述情况仍在加剧。对应英文:Based on black women's health deterioration rate, the fact that more than a decade ago, the case has moss think the above situation is still growing.

而人们的这种兴趣体现在第一夫人米歇尔•奥巴马身上则有过之而无不及。对应英文:And people of this interest in first lady michelle Obama is worse.

2000年的人口普查据说是在美国历史上和平时期最大的一次全民总动员,2010年的人普将有过之而无不及。对应英文:The 2000 census is said to be in peace time in U.S. history one of the biggest mobilisation, in 2010 the people's will.

其实人们对亚洲男性社会普遍认识的是基于无知,而不是亲身经历或是对经济,文化和政治事实的了解,而且这一误解的程度同亚洲女性相比是有过之而无不及。对应英文:Actually people for Asian men is based on ignorance of social common understanding, rather than personal experience or the economic, cultural and political reality, and this misunderstanding of level compared with Asian women is worse.

想象一下,你六七十岁的时候,智力、感情、身体比从前有过之而无不及,会是一个什么样子。对应英文:Imagine that you are at the age of 60, intellectual, emotional, and physical worse than before, would be a what appearance.

据我分析,朝鲜的化学武器与核武器威胁和当年纳粹为了挽回常规战场上的败局而研发的复仇武器是一脉相承的,甚至有过之而无不及。对应英文:According to my analysis, north Korea's chemical weapons and nuclear threats and Nazi, which is developed in order to save the failure of conventional battlefield revenge weapon is consistent, even more so.

他们所忽略的是通过沟通我们文化上的恐惧(其程度几乎比任何美国作家都有过之而无不及)而超越其流派的作家。对应英文:What they ignore is through communication we cultural fear (the extent almost worse than any American writer) and beyond its genre writer.

在办事才干、 精力、对细节的注意以及科学与工业的单纯技术方面,他们跟美国人不相上下,也许还有过之而无不及。对应英文:In talent, energy, and attention to detail and the pure technology, science and industry with the americans, perhaps more so.

据联合国的记录,上帝反抗军在过去的两年里造成2000多名平民被杀害,2600多名平民遭受绑架;其他的人权人士提供的数据更是有过之而无不及。对应英文:According to the record of the United Nations, the Lord's resistance army in the past two years more than 2000 civilians have been killed and more than 2600 civilians kidnapped;

在韩国,她的人气与朱丽叶罗伯茨和安吉丽娜朱莉在其本国相比有过之而无不及。对应英文:In South Korea, her popularity and Julia Roberts and Angelina jolie is worse than in the home country.

事实上,这更像是对这部医院情境剧曾经美好时光的追忆:一千六百万人的收视率,相比十年前有过之而无不及。对应英文:In fact, it's more like a situation the recall for the opera had a good time to the hospital, the rating of the sixteen million people, more than ten years ago.


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