

坚持就是胜利对应英文:Perseverance is victory

爱情是项马拉松,谁能鼓励对方坚持到最后,就是双赢的胜利者。对应英文:Love is like a marathon, you can encourage each other to stick to the end, is a win-win.

小朋友,前面的跟风风雨雨,只要你们相信一名话成功就在你眼前:坚持就是胜利!对应英文:Little friend, the front with the groundless talk, as long as you believe what a success in your eyes: the persistence is victory!

在快崩溃那一刻,记得朋友说过的一句话“力竭时,每多坚持一分钟就是胜利。”对应英文:In the quick collapse of that moment, I remember a friend said, a phrase "exhausted, each hold a minute victory."

农民们都知道坚持就是胜利。 张先生最终应邀来到了中南海。对应英文:Farmers know the persistence is victory. Mr. Zhang finally invited to Zhongnanhai.

我们都知道,改掉坏习惯,或是形成一个全新的、健康的新习惯,很难,但是坚持就是胜利。对应英文:As we all know, get rid of bad habits, or establishing a new, healthy new habits, is very difficult, but insisted that victory.

这也使我知道了:坚持就是胜利,进步一点,快乐一点。对应英文:It also made me wonder: the persistence is victory, a little progress, a little happiness.

生活对我们每个人来说都不容易,。因为它总是充满着起起浮浮,但是坚持就是胜利。对应英文:Life is not easy for any of us,. Because it is always full of ups and downs, but insisted that victory.

小朋友,前面的跟风风雨雨,只要你们相信一名话成功就在你眼前:坚持就是胜利!对应英文:Little friend, the front with the groundless talk, as long as you believe what a success in your eyes: the persistence is victory!

坚持就是胜利,作为一个熟练的动画师可以成为最重要的团队成员的生产。对应英文:The persistence is victory, as a skilled animators can become one of the most important members of the production team.

我爸爸说坚持就是等于胜利,所以我坚持自己错误的答案直到它变成正确的。对应英文:My dad says persistence is the key to success, so I insist on the wrong answer until it becomes the right.

在快崩溃那一刻,记得朋友说过的一句话“力竭时,每多坚持一分钟就是胜利。”对应英文:In the quick collapse of that moment, I remember a friend said, a phrase "exhausted, each hold a minute victory."

不要退缩,不要畏惧,“坚持到底”就是胜利,成功正在离你不远的地方等着你。对应英文:Don't hold back, don't be afraid, "persisted" is the victory, the success is you not far place waiting for you.

爱情是项马拉松,谁能鼓励对方坚持到最后,就是双赢的胜利者。对应英文:Love is like a marathon, you can encourage each other to stick to the end, is a win-win.

为了自己的目标而奋斗,坚持不懈,那么我认为我们就是胜利者, 让我们去实现我们的梦想吧。对应英文:For their own goals, unremittingly, then I think we are the winner, let us to realize our dreams.

尽管在现实世界中失败者胜利的可能性小得令人沮丧,但我乐意坚持这种观点,那就是一旦他们获得胜利,他们会带来一些特别的东西,而这些是那些天之骄子们所不具备的。对应英文:Although in the real world the underdog to win too depressing, but I like to cling to the idea, that when they win, they will bring something special, and these are those who do not have God's favored one.

胜利者不一定就是跑的最快的人,而是能坚持到最后的人。对应英文:The fastest one winner is not necessarily run, but can stick to the end.

励志海报挂了一面墙壁,海报写着“坚持就是胜利”等口号。对应英文:Motivational posters hung on one wall posters, "insisted that victory" and other slogans.

我懂得了做什么事都要坚持下去,不能半途而废,坚持就是胜利。对应英文:I learned what to do should insist, can not give up halfway, insisted that victory.

你可不要小看照镜子这个动作,做完以后,当你非常抵触做一件事的时候,它会敦促你坚持就是胜利。对应英文:You can not look down on the mirror this action, finished, when you get very inconsistent time to do one thing, it will urge you to insist on is victory.

但别灰心,坚持就是胜利,这种坚持需要你天天做这些练习,不能间断。对应英文:But don't give up, insist on is victory, it needs you to do these exercises every day, can not be interrupted.

到了最后1个小时,我对自己说:“ 一定要坚持下去,不可以半途而废,坚持就是胜利。”对应英文:At the end of 1 hour, I said to myself: "we must persevere, can not give up halfway, insisted that victory."


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