

有钱难买老来瘦对应英文:Don't get lost

有钱难买老来瘦是一句常说的话,意思是老年人身材瘦是一件好事,而且,这是健康的表现,瘦得健康是一件很难得的事哦,千金难买!其实老年人不宜身材肥胖,容易出现很多身体疾...对应英文:Money can't buy slimness is a common saying, mean old slim figure is a good thing, but, this is a healthy, be healthy is a very rare thing, the daughter is difficult to buy! In fact, the elderly should not fat, prone to a lot of physical disease...

"有钱难买老来瘦"的说法对吗 自古以来,人们中普遍流行着一句话"有钱难买老来瘦",用这句话形容人到老年身体瘦一些是表示健康,是对健康的一种评价。它意味着老年人不能...对应英文:"Money can not buy the old to lean" to say since ancient times, people generally popular a word "money can not buy the old to lean", the phrase used to describe people thin body, some is healthy, is a kind of health assessment. It means that old people can't be...

肥胖的危害已经成为共识,毋须多言。我想说的是老来瘦的瘦字,并不是消瘦的"瘦"。只是不要"发福"的意思。值得一提的是,老来消瘦是应当引起重视的。说不定会是一个病态...对应英文:Obesity has become a consensus, needless to say. I want to say is the old thin thin, not thin thin "". Just don't "fat". It is worth mentioning that, old weight should be attached to the. Might is a sick...

"有钱难买老来寿"是最早来的。第二个"有钱难买老来瘦"使人们通过斜音变换来的。对应英文:"Money can't buy" "is the most early. Second "money can not buy the old to lean" make people through oblique tone transformation.

比如说牛奶中的血凝素适合血型的人,而型人喝了,体内就会立刻产生胶凝作用,来抵抗牛奶中的血凝素。所以有人吃的一些食物会很好!同样的食物有人会过敏。甚至中毒严重...对应英文:For example, in the milk hemagglutinin suitable type of person, but people drink, the body will immediately produce gelation, to resist the milk in the hemagglutinin. So people eat some food can be very good! The same food is allergic. Even the severity of poisoning...

有钱难买老来瘦有道理吗 虽然不能统而概之,但是就一般情况来说,瘦人的寿命的确比胖人要长。 由于肥胖,横隔膜抬高,影响呼吸循环,造成心、肺功能障碍,使得呼吸短促,...对应英文:Money can't buy slimness justified do not unified and generalized, but generally speaking, the life is longer than the fat man. Due to obesity, diaphragm elevation, effects of respiration and circulation, resulting in cardiac, pulmonary dysfunction, the shortness of breath,...

----"老来瘦"的说法有一定的针对性,人到老年过胖会加重负担,从而产生各种病症,然而物极必反,身体消瘦更会导致精神衰弱、食欲不良、抵抗力下等各种症状。所以,广大爱美...对应英文:- "old to lean" is targeted to a certain extent, to the old fat will increase the burden, resulting in various diseases, but extremes meet, body weight will lead to mental decline, poor appetite, resistance etc. various symptoms. Therefore, the majority of beauty...

是老来瘦,主要是指人到了一定年龄(老了)会发福(胖)、胖了什么病都会生出来,如三高等,人瘦一般不太会生这几种病,所以说用金钱也买不到。对应英文:Is old to thin, mainly refers to the people of a certain age (old) will fat (fat), fat what disease will be born, such as three higher, thin people generally do not have the disease, so that the money can not buy.

民间有谚语"有钱难买老来瘦"所以我觉得还是瘦的更健康。 比较瘦的老人患高血压和心血管方面及脑溢血等疾病的机率要小,而老年人的热量教小,瘦一点对体力影响不 大。对应英文:A folk saying "money can not buy the old to lean" so I feel or lean more health. The probability is relatively thin old man suffering from hypertension and cardiovascular and cerebral hemorrhage disease should be small, and the elderly heat teach small, thin little impact on physical strength is not big.

消化吸收功能下降而引起患者消瘦.因此,老人消瘦不要认为是健康的表现,很可能是体内患了某种疾病,应及时去医院检查,治疗,千万不要沉溺于"有钱难买老来瘦"的幻想中.对应英文:The digestion and absorption function decline caused by weight loss. Therefore, thin man don't think is healthy, is likely to be the body suffering from a disease, should be timely to the hospital for examination, treatment, do not indulge in "money can not buy the old to lean" fantasy


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