

九鼎不足为重对应英文:Jiuding less heavy

卑不足道九鼎不足为重人心不足蛇吞象人言不足恤竖子不足与谋死不足惜微不足录对应英文:Beneath discussion or mention Jiuding insufficient weight which tries to swallow elephant words not a shirt boy not worth cooperating Death is not to be regretted. micro insufficient

鼎足之势 负衡据鼎 扛鼎拔山 瓜分鼎峙 革故鼎新 革旧鼎新 海内鼎沸 举鼎拔山 九鼎不足为重 九鼎大吕 举鼎绝膑 禁鼎一脔 九鼎一丝 击钟陈鼎 击钟鼎食 扛鼎抃牛 匡鼎解...对应英文:A situation dominated by three powerful rivals Fuhengjuding Kangdingbashan Guafendingzhi innovation Jijiudingxin to Judingbashan Jiuding not heavy large Jiuding Lu overestimate one's strength Jindingyiluan Jiudingyisi Ji Zhongchending Jizhongdingshi carry tripods applaud bovine Kuang Ding solution...

【貂不足,狗尾续】①指授官太滥。②指美中不足或以次充好。【九鼎不足为重】形容说话有分量,比较起来九鼎也不算重。【日计不足,岁计有余】每天算下来没有多少,一年算...对应英文:[mink, dog tail continued] ① period, allowing. ② refers to a fly in the ointment or shoddy. [lack of] describe talking Jiuding heavy weight, compared to Jiuding not heavy. [date, year] every day is not much more than a year count down...

【貂不足,狗尾续】①指授官太滥。②指美中不足或以次充好。 【九鼎不足为重】形容说话有分量,比较起来九鼎也不算重。 【日计不足,岁计有余】每天算下来没有多少,一年...对应英文:[mink, dog tail continued] ① period, allowing. ② refers to a fly in the ointment or shoddy. [lack of] describe talking Jiuding heavy weight, compared to Jiuding not heavy. [date, year] every day is not much more than a year down...

鼎足而居 鼎足而立、鼎足而三、鼎足三分、鼎足之势、尝鼎一脔 鼎鼎大名、鼎鼎有名、禁鼎一脔、九鼎不足为重、九鼎大吕 九鼎一丝、举鼎拔山、举鼎绝膑、扛鼎拔山、扛鼎...对应英文:Rival powers to teach residents living Lord, divided into three parts, division into three parts, a situation dominated by three powerful rivals, infer the whole from a part, a great reputation, Jindingyiluan celebrated, Jiuding not heavy, large Jiuding Lu Jiudingyisi, Judingbashan, overestimate one's strength, Kangdingbashan, powerful...

鼎鼎大名、鼎鼎有名、禁鼎一脔、九鼎不足为重、九鼎大吕   九鼎一丝、举鼎拔山、举鼎绝膑、扛鼎拔山、扛鼎抃牛   匡鼎解颐、列鼎而食、牛鼎烹鸡、问鼎轻重、问鼎...对应英文:A great reputation, celebrated, Jindingyiluan, Jiuding not heavy, large Jiuding Lu Jiudingyisi, Judingbashan, overestimate one's strength, Kangdingbashan, cattle, live high, powerful applaud Kuangdingjieyi break a butterfly on the wheel, win, win the severity...

鼎足而三、鼎足三分、鼎足之势、尝鼎一脔 鼎鼎大名、鼎鼎有名、禁鼎一脔、九鼎不足为重、九鼎大吕 九鼎一丝、举鼎拔山、举鼎绝膑、扛鼎拔山、扛鼎抃牛 匡鼎解颐、列鼎...对应英文:Divided into three parts, division into three parts, a situation dominated by three powerful rivals, infer the whole from a part, a great reputation, Jindingyiluan celebrated, Jiuding not heavy, large Jiuding Lu Jiudingyisi, Judingbashan, overestimate one's strength, Kangdingbashan, cattle, Kuangdingjieyi powerful applaud column tripod...

鼎鼎大名、鼎鼎有名、禁鼎一脔、九鼎不足为重 九鼎大吕、九鼎一丝、举鼎拔山、举鼎绝膑、扛鼎拔山 扛鼎抃牛、匡鼎解颐、列鼎而食、牛鼎烹鸡、问鼎轻重 问鼎中原、五鼎...对应英文:A great reputation, celebrated, Jindingyiluan, Jiuding not heavy weighty advice, Jiudingyisi, Judingbashan, overestimate one's strength, powerful Kangdingbashan applaud cattle, Kuangdingjieyi, live high, break a butterfly on the wheel, Ding, Ding has degree five...

鼎足三分 鼎足之势 负衡据鼎 革故鼎新 革旧鼎新 瓜分鼎峙 海内鼎沸 击钟陈鼎 击钟鼎食 禁鼎一脔 九鼎不足为重 九鼎不足为重 九鼎大吕 九鼎一丝 举鼎拔山 举鼎绝膑 扛...对应英文:Division into three parts have a situation dominated by three powerful rivals Fuhengjuding Jijiudingxin Guafendingzhi to Ji Zhongchending Jizhongdingshi Jindingyiluan Jiuding not heavy enough for heavy Jiudingyisi Jiuding Jiuding Judingbashan overestimate one's strength to carry...

鼎足而三 鼎足三分 鼎足之势 负衡据鼎 扛鼎拔山 瓜分鼎峙 革故鼎新 革旧鼎新 海内鼎沸 举鼎拔山 九鼎不足为重 九鼎大吕 举鼎绝膑 禁鼎一脔 九鼎一丝 击钟陈鼎 击钟鼎...对应英文:Divided into three parts division into three parts a situation dominated by three powerful rivals Fuhengjuding Kangdingbashan Guafendingzhi innovation Jijiudingxin to Judingbashan Jiuding not heavy large Jiuding Lu overestimate one's strength Jindingyiluan Jiudingyisi Ji Zhongchending hit it...



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