

安乐值钱多对应英文:Happiness is worth more

安乐值钱多 即使黄金也不能算作是最珍贵的东西,只有平安快乐的人生才是最有意义、最有价值的。 这主要是表达了一种不为金钱所累、潇洒乐观的人生态度。对应英文:Happiness is worth more if gold also cannot count is the most precious thing, only peace and happiness of life is the most valuable, the most valuable. This is mainly expressed in a not for money tired, handsome and optimistic attitude towards life.

就是黄金的价值比不上平安快乐对应英文:Peace and happiness is the value of gold is not

草有春风冒,生无再来年,却话命可贵,爱情最销魂对应英文:Grass spring run, no back years, but then life precious, the ecstasy of love

休道黄金贵,安乐最值钱。花有重开日,人无再少年。不须长富贵,安乐是神仙。花有重开日,人无再少年。休道黄...不要说黄金多么的贵重,安安乐乐的生活才最珍贵。是在劝诫人们...对应英文:Hugh road gold, his most valuable. A plant may produce new flowers; man is young but once. Don't be long prosperity, happiness is the fairy. A plant may produce new flowers; man is young but once. Hugh yellow... Don't say how precious gold, Ann's life is the most precious. In exhorting people...

休道黄金贵,安乐最值钱。" "花有重开日,人无再少年。不须长富贵,安乐是神仙。" 这一组诗句,屡屡出现于元杂剧的最开端,如第一首出现在《西厢记》、《倩女幽魂》、...对应英文:Hugh road gold, his most valuable. A plant may produce new flowers; man is young but once. Don't be long prosperity, happiness is the fairy. "This group of poems, the beginning has appeared in the Yuan Dynasty, such as the first appeared in" the West Chamber "," a Chinese ghost story ",...

元气在保养,谷神在守护。 休道黄金贵,安乐最值钱。 以自然之道,养 自然之身。 壮志因愁减,衰容与病俱。忍泣日易衰,忍忧形易伤。 忧伤能伤人,绿鬓变霜鬓。 达人识元气...对应英文:Qi in the maintenance of the guardian, in. Hugh road gold, his most valuable. The Tao of nature, a natural body. Ambition for worry less, attenuation capacity and disease. I cry, easy failure, can worry shaped easy injury. Grief can be hurtful, green hair becomes downy. Master intellectual vitality...

黄金未为贵,安乐值钱多。 宁叫花下死,做鬼也风流。 德者本也,财者末也。 人未伤心不得死,花残叶落是根枯。 行动有三分财气 山高自有客行路,水深自有渡船人。 自古红...对应英文:Gold is not as expensive, happiness is worth more. Ning called flowers die, do ghost also romantic. This is virtue, wealth follows. Not sad not death, flowers Yela is root dry. Action three type its own off a high mountain road, water depth own boat people. Since ancient times, red...

父亲快乐的时候,母亲也爱唱歌。 安乐值钱多。 黄金未为贵,安乐值钱多。 平安二字值千金。 一家安乐值千金。 穷人无灾即是福。 健康是最大的幸福。 无病即神仙。 无病...对应英文:When my father happy, mother also love to sing. Happiness is worth more. Gold is not as expensive, happiness is worth more. Ping An two word worth. A Ara Chikim. Poor without disaster is fu. Health is the greatest happiness. No disease or fairy. Disease free...

心地肖明了无俗虑 天面清旷能读奇书 静者心多妙 飘然思不群 黄金未为贵 安乐值钱多 人莫心高自有生成造化 事由天定何须苦用机关 有花方酌酒 无月不登楼 酒逢知己饮 诗...对应英文:A Xiao Ming no vulgar concerns Tian Kuang Ching can read books in static heart not think how wonderful my group for your happiness worth more than gold but none heart own generation nature causes day why should suffer with the authorities there are flowers square to pour wine no month do not go friend drink poem...

你有家财万贯.金山银山也不会是最值钱的.但知足.平安比什么都值钱比什么都重要!对应英文:You are rich. Yinshan Jinshan is not the most valuable. But contentment. Peace than what's worth more than what is important!


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