

解铃还需系铃人对应英文:Better to still need to untie

猫和铃铛(解铃还需系铃人的英文故事) 有座房子里面住了一些老鼠。对应英文:Tied the bell on the cat and the bell (better to need English story) live inside a house for some mice.

人世间的故事有时候就这样奇妙,解铃还需系铃人。对应英文:In the story is so wonderful, sometimes is better who tied the bell.

烦闷时可纾解生理上的精神、压力,至于心理上则解铃还需系铃人,找出心理症结加以化解方为上策。对应英文:Boredom can relieve physical spirit, stress, as for the psychological who tied the bell on the tiger take need, find out the psychological problem to resolve is the best policy.

烦闷时可纾解生理上的精神、压力,至于心理上则解铃还需系铃人,找出心理症结加以化解方为上策。对应英文:Boredom can relieve physical spirit, stress, as for the psychological who tied the bell on the tiger take need, find out the psychological problem to resolve is the best policy.


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