

报喜也报忧对应英文:The good news is also bad

我们总是说央视报喜不报忧,其实央视并不缺少披露阴暗面的新闻栏目,如焦点访谈、新闻调查等而新闻联播这个栏目的作用主要在于正面的宣导。栏目定位不同罢了。 尽管在...对应英文:We always said that CCTV inaccurate, in fact, is not the lack of disclosure of the dark side of CCTV news column, such as interviews, news investigation and news broadcast this column's main function is positive. Column orientation. In spite of the...

我们总是说央视报喜不报忧,其实央视并不缺少披露阴暗面的新闻栏目,如焦点访谈、新闻调查等而新闻联播这个栏目的作用主要在于正面的宣导。栏目定位不同罢了。尽管在过...对应英文:We always said that CCTV inaccurate, in fact, is not the lack of disclosure of the dark side of CCTV news column, such as interviews, news investigation and news broadcast this column's main function is positive. Column orientation. Although in the...

其实不是你想的那样小孩子会报喜不报忧很多原因是害怕父母对自己失望害怕受到批评你应该让你的孩子明白一些道理他现在还小,很多观点与认知都没有形成你需要引导他赏罚...对应英文:In fact, not as you want children may be inaccurate due to many reasons are afraid for their parents disappointed by fear of criticism you should get to know something he now small your children, many viewpoints and cognitive did not form you need to guide him punishment...

咱们政府为了稳定民心所以在宣传上有指导原则就是报喜不报忧 宣传部就是干这个的,现在比前几年好多啦,能听到一些真话了, 虽然还是很少,但起码是个好的开始对应英文:Our government in order to stabilize the people so in the propaganda guidance is inaccurate propaganda department is doing, now than a few years ago a lot better, can hear the truth, though rarely, but it is a good start

好吧,我总结了一下 开会没有不隆重的 闭幕没有不胜利的 讲话没有不重要的 鼓掌没有不热烈的 领导没有不重视的 看望没有不亲切的 接见没有不亲自的 进展没有不...对应英文:Well, I summed up the meeting without closing not grand not victory speech not important applauded not enthusiastic leadership did not see do not pay attention to not cordial met with no progress not personally not...

难言之隐对应英文:Which it would be awkward to disclose

你不跟父母不报忧,是为了让父母不担心。那如果又从另外一个角度,如果你不跟父母报忧的话,这样会更加让父母处处为你担心。所以,还是由你自己决定吧,你也成熟了,有些小...对应英文:You do not suffer with their parents do not, is to let the parents do not worry. If from another angle, if you don't talk to parents of bad words, this will let your parents always worry about you. So, be decided by yourself, you are mature, some small...

报喜不报忧---陈好 惊波四面起--周涛对应英文:Inaccurate - Chen Hao surprised wave four -- Zhou Tao

一方面 主要是稳定人心的作用,让人没有那么恐慌,另一方面,存在侥幸心理,总认为这是小事一桩,没有关系,或许是下次肯定不会了,我可以自己解决,不用搞那么麻烦。对应英文:On the one hand is calming effect, let the human not so panic, on the other hand, put in fluky psychology, think this is a trivial matter, it doesn't matter, maybe next time will not, I can solve their own, do not make trouble.

把他当成磨刀石,把自己当成刀,把与他相处当成对自己的磨砺,这样你的能力就提高了对应英文:To regard him as a grindstone, regard themselves as knife, take along with him as to his efforts, so your ability has been improved


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