

贫居闹市无人问对应英文:No one asked the poor living downtown

有钱能使鬼推磨。总之,人间百态,世俗风情无不打上孔方兄的烙印。贫穷者身居闹市,亲戚及周边人避你如瘟疫,是怕你穷找人家麻烦,不理你人家又不愿落不义之名,理你又理不...对应英文:Money talks. In conclusion, human attitudes, common customs are marked with money. The poor live downtown, relatives and the surrounding people avoid you like the plague, you are afraid of poor people to find trouble, don't you people are unwilling to fall the unjust, ignore you and not...

贫住闹市无人问 富在深山有远亲 人情好似初相见 到老终无怨恨心对应英文:No one asked the poor live downtown rich in time of adversity. I first met old with no resentment heart

贫居闹市无人问,富在深山有远亲.对应英文:No one asked the poor living downtown, rich in a distant mountain

贫居闹市无人问,富在深山有远亲。这是增广贤文里面的一句话。对应英文:No one asked the poor living downtown, rich in a distant mountain. This is the kind of augmented inside a word.

贫居闹市无人问,富在深山有远亲。人情当慎初相见,到老终无怨恨心对应英文:No one asked the poor living downtown, rich in a distant mountain. Human should be the beginning of each other, to the old with no resentment heart

如果你没钱,就算你住在闹市中央,也没人过问你,尽量避开你,嫌弃你,人情淡薄。世事如棋局局新呢,只是句中增设的感慨罢了。指的是未来的事谁也无法预知,计划不如变化,...对应英文:If you have no money, even if you live in the downtown center, nobody asked you, try to avoid you, abandon you, indifference. Life is like a new game, just is added with emotion. Refers to the future. No one can predict, plan changes as,...

人们都爱钱 有的人嫌贫爱福对应英文:People love money, some people are poor agape

出自《名贤集》,该书是我国古代对儿童进行伦理道德教育的蒙学教材之一,具体作者不详,从内容上分析,是南宋以后儒家学者撰辑。对应英文:From "famous", the book is one of the textbooks of moral education in ancient China for children, the author unknown, from content analysis, after the Southern Song Dynasty Confucian scholars wrote.

增广贤文人生只能自拼搏 且莫与人说奈何 富贵能借银百两 贫穷难求米半合 雪中送炭君子少 锦上添花小人多 亲朋厚友勿全靠 世情更比浮云薄对应英文:Life can only be self struggle not augmented kind and said how rich can borrow silver when poverty is half meters and timely assistance gentleman villain many relatives and friends less icing on the cake thickness do not depend on the world more than thin clouds

今日酒肉是兄弟 有难未曾问一声 贫穷小家未曾问 富时亲朋皆做客对应英文:This wine is the brother to never ask a poor little house never ask the FTSE all visit relatives and


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