

国破家难保对应英文:The country seen their homes destroyed no

诗中徐郎是陈国太子舍人徐德言,他的妻子是陈国的乐昌公主。 陈国被隋军所灭。陈国破时,徐德言曾流着泪对妻子说"国已危如累卵,家安岂能保全,你我分离已成必然。以你这...对应英文:The poem is the prince then Xu Deyan Xu Lang Chen, his wife is Chen Lechang princess. Chen Guo was destroyed by the troops of the Sui dynasty. Chen Guopo, Xu Deyan had tears on his wife said "the country has been at stake, the home can save, you and I separated has become an inevitable. To you this...

基于这个大局,张良遂对吕后说道口舌难保太子,"商山四皓"(皓白,即四个白头发的老人,分别是东园公、甪里先...敌国破,谋臣亡"的哲理,惧怕既得利益的复失,更害怕韩信等人的...对应英文:Based on this situation, Zhang Liangsui said after the words on Lu not prince, "Shangshan Sihao" (white, four white haired old man, respectively, Dong Yuan Gong Lu Li first... Enemy broken, adviser to die "philosophy, lost again, fear the vested interest of more afraid of Han Xin...

据《元和姓纂》载,春秋时期郑国国君郑穆公有个儿子公子发,字子国。子国的儿子公孙侨字子产,在郑国执政三十...赐号"英烈戡难保节忠臣",锡姓完颜,附属籍,改名用安,赐金镀银...对应英文:According to "surname and compiling" load, the spring and Autumn period, King Zheng Guo Zheng Mu public a son's son, the son of the word country. Country son Gongsun overseas sub word, in Zheng Guo's thirty... Given No. "heroes be loyal, tin mining section" surname Wanyan, affiliated membership, renamed by ANN, give gold silver...

长此下去,大则国家覆灭,小则自身难保。范雎慷慨直言,得到了昭王信任,当即表示,今后无论大小事,上及太后,下至群臣,该怎么办,要范雎尽管赐教,不要有任何顾虑。范雎接着...对应英文:The long, large national destruction, the small risk one's head. Fan Ju generous respect, obtained the result of trust, immediately said, in the future regardless of size, and the empress dowager, down to the courtiers, what to do, to fan Ju despite comments, don't worry. Fan Ju then...

而立下不世之功的,又多难保其身,或者郁郁而终,"冯唐易老,李广难封"。能做到全始全终的,真的是寥寥无几。有时候就在想,张良的一生,无疑近似于完美。刘邦建国的时候,曾经...对应英文:The set of matchless merit, also be the body, or to die, "be born under an unlucky star, talented but unrecognized". Can carry a matter through, really is scanty. Sometimes think, the life of Zhang Liang, it is similar to the perfect. When the founding of Liu Bang, once...

那日子是越来越不太平了。国是不国了,家也难保--一后一妃,矛盾重重,因为当年溥仪圈点后妃时,本是先点了文...不仅给拆散了,还把麦克·金逼迫得家破人亡,怀抱着那幅"东方仕...对应英文:The day is increasingly not peace. China is not the country, also be - a junior, contradictions, because that year he punctuate the empress, this is the first point of the article... Not only to split up, and Mike Kim was forced to embrace the destruction, "the East shi...

到时候,我们自身难保是小事,国家交给的使命也就完不成了。大家说该怎么办"大家齐声答应"我们服从您的命令!"班超猛击了一下桌子,果断他说"不入虎穴,焉得虎子!现在我...对应英文:Then, we risk one's head is small, the state gave the mission will not finish. Everybody said how to do "chorus promised" we obey your command! "Ban Chao hit the table, decisive and he said" A faint heart never wine fair lady! Now i...

飘零于江湘之间,国难家愁,已染成我两鬓星霜,刚巧又正值这肃杀的秋天,这一怀愁绪怎生了结!离家万里,欲归不...但战火未熄,在逃难的途中,难保前方水路上不再碰上兵灾。倘若...对应英文:Falling in the river ", the national depression, have been dyed my temples star, happen in the chill of autumn, a pregnant melancholy how close! Far away from home, to not... But war not out, in their flight, they no longer meet the war front waterway. If...

" 万户问道"怕什么" 那仆人说"倘若飞天不成,主人的性命怕是难保。" 万户仰天大笑,说道"飞天,乃是我中华千年之夙愿。今天,我纵然粉身碎骨,血溅天疆,也要为后世闯出...对应英文:"Million households asked" what if "the servant said" if flying is not, master's life is not afraid. "Million households laugh, said" the flying, but I wish the Chinese for thousands of years. Today, even though I be smashed to pieces, a day of Xinjiang, but also for future generations break...

""撤军问题是要害。如果完全屈从美国的主张,中国事变的成果就将毁于-日。满洲国也将难保,朝鲜的统治也将陷入危机。"东条甚至公然声称"近卫只有愿意合作才能留任,否则...对应英文:"" troops is the key. If the subject entirely America claims, Chinese incident results will be destroyed in the day. Manchuria will also be in China, North Korea's ruling will fall into crisis. "East or even declared that" the only willing to remain in office, otherwise...


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