

好心做了驴肝肺对应英文:Good lvganfei
好心做了驴肝肺,拼为hǎo xīn zuò le lǘ gān fèi,指把好心当作坏意。

"好心当作驴肝肺"无典 是俗语"好心当作驴肝肺"意思是好心好意不被人理解,反被人误解。 凡是品尝过驴肉的人都知道,在一个驴的身上,驴肝和肺是最不好吃的,所以,价格也...对应英文:"Kindness as ill intentions" no code is saying "well intentioned kindness as ill intentions" means not being understood, anti misunderstood. Those who tasted the flesh of a donkey all know, on a donkey, donkey liver and lung is not good, so, the price is...

那样啊,没什么的。不就是别人没理会嘛,那是他们的事,至少你问心无愧,,你就想想雷锋吧,做事都不留名。只要自己快乐就好啊。你觉得呢对应英文:Well, not what. Not that others ignored them, that's their business, at least you examine oneself, feeling no shame, you think, Lei Feng, don't leave. As long as you happy. What do you think?

好心做了驴肝肺 发音 ǎ ī ò ǘ ā è 释义 俗语。指把好心当作坏意。 出处 示例 你看我好心做了驴肝肺,你倒讪起我来,凭说我去罢。(明·兰陵笑笑生《金瓶...对应英文:Good lvganfei pronunciation ǎ h ò concentration ā è interpretation. Refer to the kind as a bad idea. The source sample you see my good lvganfei, you pour ridicule me, why I go. (Ming Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng "golden bottle...

而"好心"的价格,相对于驴的肝和肺来说,是要贵出许多的。人们以偷换概念的方式用这句话的来表示人与人之间产生的误解,是最恰如其分不过的。对应英文:And "kindness" prices, relative to the donkey's liver and lung, is to your many. People to change a concept secretly use this sentence to express generated between people is the most misunderstood, but to a proper extent.

而"好心"的价格,相对于驴的肝和肺来说,是要贵出许多的。人们以偷换概念的方式用这句话的来表示人与人之间产生的误解,是最恰如其分不过的。 【冷血】对应英文:And "kindness" prices, relative to the donkey's liver and lung, is to your many. People to change a concept secretly use this sentence to express generated between people is the most misunderstood, but to a proper extent. Cold-blooded.

然你也会变脑子有问题的!有次我和别人生气,便宜告诉我,就把他当一条狗,难道一条狗咬你了你是不是马上趴下去咬它啊 所以想开点 算了!对应英文:You will also have the problem of variable head! Once I and others angry, cheap told me, let him when a dog is a dog bite you, you Is it right? Immediately lie down bite it so easy!

古时把驴肝肺当作不值钱的废物抛弃!所以就是代指不值钱不在意的东西.因此,"好心当成驴肝肺"就是把别人的好意不当回事,不领情。因为高傲.目空一切的人,...对应英文:In ancient times the intent as worthless waste dumped! So is to refer to the money do not care about things. Therefore, "kindness as an intention" is to give people's kindness for granted, ungrateful. Because the haughty insolent,...

朋友,有的事情一旦发生了,就再也没有挽回的余地,不管是好是坏... 假如我是你,我肯定会后悔救了那个不该救的东西, 但是,你现在要做的就是认真考虑一下,他们都是同一个村...对应英文:Friends, some things have happened once, will never save room, whether it is good or bad... If I were you, I would regret saving that should not save anything, but, you have to do now is to seriously consider, they belong to the same village...

. 就是好心没好报。对应英文:It is no good deed goes unpunished.

驴肝肺是指不怀好意。因为是俗语,有许多种表达方式,并无固定搭配。没有典故。对应英文:Intention refers to the harbour evil designs. Because it is saying, there are many ways to express, there is no fixed collocation. No allusions.


俗语。指把好心当作坏意。 附图 上传图片 更多相关词条>>到互动百科上编辑词条,我们会尽快更新您的修改

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