

带着铃铛去做贼对应英文:With bells and steal
    词 目
    发 音
    dài zhe líng dāng qù zuò zéi
    释 义
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    示 例




那是九连环 是益智类的一种玩具!对应英文:It is the nine chain is a kind of Toy Puzzle!

并赃拿贼 行迹露败,当场人脏俱获。 带着铃铛去做贼 比喻要干隐秘的事而自己先声张出去。 老而不死是为贼 责骂老而无德行者的话。 逆臣贼子 逆臣叛乱之臣贼子忤逆...对应英文:And spoils take a thief whereabouts dew defeated, spot dirty all the. With the bell to a parable to stem the secret things and his first piece of out. The old without morality is hateful. scold old without virtue walker. Traitor's rebellion against his goons inverse...

贼冷。贼亮。贼横盗贼家贼难防民贼独夫做贼心虚成则为王,败则为贼独夫民贼汉贼不两立乱臣贼子擒贼先擒王认贼作父捉贼捉赃作贼心虚并赃拿贼带着铃铛去做贼老而不死是...对应英文:The thief cold. Glaring. Zeiheng thieves the grotesque Minzeidufu have a guilty conscience into it is king, defeated the thief the autocrat and traitor to the people for incompatible treacherous ministers and traitors qinzeixianqinwang clasp an enemy to one's bosom Zhuozeizhuozang brand and spoils take a thief with a bell to the thief is old but deadless...

汉贼不两立 乱臣贼子 擒贼先擒王 认贼作父 捉贼捉赃 作贼心虚 并赃拿贼 带着铃铛去做贼 老而不死是为贼 逆臣贼子对应英文:Incompatible treacherous ministers and traitors qinzeixianqinwang clasp an enemy to one's bosom Zhuozeizhuozang brand and spoils take a thief with bells and steal The old without morality is hateful. traitor

赶快换个铃铛,万一,我是说万一你们家来贼了,你的吉娃娃看见了,吉娃娃的本能不是狂吠,是先扑过去咬!对应英文:To change a bell, if, I mean if you home to a thief, you see a Chihuahua, Chihuahua instinct is not barking, biting is to pounce!

带着铃铛去做贼 (à í ā ù ò é) 解释比喻要干隐秘的事而自己先声张出去。 出处《晚清文学丛钞·新中国未来记》第五回"既是一点儿把握都没有,却天天在...对应英文:With the bell to a thief (à í ā ù ò E) explain the parable to stem the secret things and his first piece of out. From "literature in late Qing Cong notes, new Chinese future" fifth "is a little grasp are not, but every day in the...

打破沙锅问到底 比喻追究事情的根底。 带着铃铛去做贼 比喻要干隐秘的事而自己先声张出去。 当面输心背面笑 比喻当面显得十分亲热,背后却在捣鬼。 道不同不相为谋 走...对应英文:Be inquisitive metaphor for the things. With the bell to a parable to stem the secret things and his first piece of out. To lose heart back to laugh parable appear very affectionate, behind it. Different go...

泣鬼神 狡兔死,良狗烹 见其一未见其二 钉是钉,铆是铆 带着铃铛去做贼 大水冲了龙王庙 聪明反被聪明误 春蚕到死丝方尽 秤砣虽小压千斤 长江后浪推前浪 不能登大雅之堂...对应英文:Move the gods kick down the ladder to see a no second make a clear and definite commitment with a bell to a friendly fire Cleverness may overreach itself. till death do us part weight is small pressure jack Yangtze each wave pushing at the one ahead cannot ascend in good taste...

船到江心补漏迟 春蚕到死丝方尽 此一时,彼一时 此地无银三百两 聪明反被聪明误 带着铃铛去做贼 当面输心背面笑 当面锣,对面鼓 道不同不相为谋 得饶人处且饶人 貂不足...对应英文:The ship until too late delayed till death do us part Circumstances alter cases. a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure Cleverness may overreach itself. with bells and steal to lose heart back to laugh argue face to face different problems be lenient wherever it is possible...

带砺河山 带砺山河 带牛佩犊 带水拖泥 带月披星 带着铃铛去做贼 带罪立功② 博带褒衣 革带移孔 冠带之国 河带山砺 缓带轻裘 砺带河山 裙带...对应英文:Dailiheshan Dailishanhe Dainiupeidu do things sloppily Daiyuepixing with bells and steal Daizuiligong II Bo belt with clothes Jidaiyikong crown with the river with mountains Li ribbon cloth Lidaiheshan crony...


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