

一环紧扣一环对应英文:Closely interlocked with one another

是的 很经典对应英文:Is a classic

诗歌里所出现的一连串的形象,是一环紧扣一环的。   我国古代有不少著名的美女,柳,为什么单单要用碧玉来比呢这有两层意思一是碧玉这名字和柳的颜色有关,"碧"和下句...对应英文:The emergence of a series of images in poetry, is closely interlocked with one another. There are many famous beauty in ancient China, Liu, why only with jade than it has two layers of meaning is about Jasper this name and Liu color, "Bi" and the next sentence...

从"碧玉妆成"到"剪刀",我们可以看出诗人艺术构思一系列的过程。诗歌里所出现的一连串的形象,是一环紧扣一环的。 参考文献摘自语文网马茂元对应英文:From "Jasper makeup into" to the "scissors", we can see that the poet 's artistic conception of a series of. The emergence of a series of images in poetry, is closely interlocked with one another. References from the Chinese network Ma Maoyuan

是谁欠了谁的情债,又是谁主宰了谁的人生 计中情,情中计,一环紧扣一环,一步紧接一步,在阴谋和爱情中沉浮,谁能抽身于外… .《王牌宠妃》   南国飘香--京城第一妓院里...对应英文:Who owes whom the debt of gratitude, who dominate the life meter. Who, feeling trapped, closely interlocked with one another, step by step, ups and downs in the conspiracy and love, who can get on the outside... "Imperial concubine" trump card. Southland fragrance -- capital first brothel...

远道不可思,宿昔梦见之。梦见在我傍,忽觉在他乡。他乡各异县,展转不相见",一环紧扣一环,意思赓续,气脉贯通。此诗中的"愿子淹桂舟,时同千里路。千里既相许,桂舟复容与...对应英文:Who can not think of, in the past dream. Dream in my side, suddenly feel at home. From each county, are not met ", closely interlocked with one another, meaning continuously, nadis through. In the poem "to Yan Guizhou, with thousands of miles. Thousands of miles of both phase Xu, GUI Zhoufu capacity and...

诗歌里所出现的一连串的形象,是一环紧扣一环的。我国古代有不少著名的美女,柳,为什么单单要用碧玉来比呢这有两层意思一是碧玉这名字和柳的颜色有关,"碧"和下句的"...对应英文:The emergence of a series of images in poetry, is closely interlocked with one another. There are many famous beauty in ancient China, Liu, why only with jade than it has two layers of meaning is about Jasper this name and Liu color, "Bi" and the next sentence"...

诗歌里所出现的一连串的形象,是一环紧扣一环的。 我国古代有不少著名的美女,柳,为什么单单要用碧玉来比呢这有两层意思一是碧玉这名字和柳的颜色有关,"碧"和下句的"...对应英文:The emergence of a series of images in poetry, is closely interlocked with one another. There are many famous beauty in ancient China, Liu, why only with jade than it has two layers of meaning is about Jasper this name and Liu color, "Bi" and the next sentence"...

拆电视机如同拆毛线衣,又用织毛线衣的方式织出了一部电视机,说明了产品的精细,内在结构一环紧扣一环。  而在中国,汽车广告多采取直接表现汽车功能或外观的方法,常见...对应英文:Remove remove TV like sweater, knitting clothes and the way to weave a TV, the product is fine, the internal structure of a link and a ring. In Chinese, car ads to direct the automobile function or appearance, common...

对于每一项工作、每一个细节,都应逐项跟查,逐项落实,一环紧扣一环、一步紧跟一步才能真正抓深抓细。 、管理人员关键要养成一个良好的工作作风,哪项工作是以扎实、...对应英文:For every job, every detail, shall be itemized investigations, implement, closely interlocked with one another, one step by step to real deep grasp the grip. , the key management personnel to develop a good style of work, work which is based on a solid,...

是谁欠了谁的情债,又是谁主宰了谁的人生 计中情,情中计,一环紧扣一环,一步紧接一步,在阴谋和爱情中沉浮,谁能抽身于外… 月沉吟 【正剧】 穿越非我意,卿卿复卿卿。 六...对应英文:Who owes whom the debt of gratitude, who dominate the life meter. Who, feeling trapped, closely interlocked with one another, step by step, ups and downs in the conspiracy and love, who can get on the outside... Months after [] drama through the paino, Qingqing Fu Qingqing. Six.


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