

当面锣背面鼓对应英文:The back of the dangmianluo drum to

当面锣,对面鼓 比喻面对面地商量、对证或争论。对应英文:Argue face to face to face, on metaphor discuss or debate.

"当面鼓,对面锣",这句话在寿县已成谚语,寓意是有话当面讲,说话要算数。 是褒义词----是说人诚实守信----对应英文:"In the face of the drum, Gong", this sentence is a proverb in Shouxian County, which have something to say, say to count. Is a commendatory term, is honest and trustworthy

办事要光明正大,不要在背后搞小动作。对应英文:Work to work in just ways, not tricks behind.

上道--开张--也有规模宏大的宣传、开张的意思古语是-军队行军打仗--开始行军的时候会鸣锣开鼓---也就是鸣锣开道--向外部宣示----我来了--我到这了----对应英文:On the road - opened -- also have large-scale propaganda, the meaning of the open - armies March to war -- began to March will be kicked off in drum - that is to clear the way for the external Declaration -- I -- to -- I to this

、敲击 、编制 、挖凿 、发射 、制作 、砍伐 、写 、破碎 、撑 、购买 、玩 、通对应英文:,,, digging, knocking preparation, production logging, write, emission, crushing, hold, purchase, play, pass

有..在笋岗仓库楼,具体不知道是哪档了,很靠近电梯的. 我当时在那买了个空竹.里面有卖民族的东西.对应英文:There are in Sungang. The warehouse floor, do not know the specific what file, very near the elevator. I bought a diabolo in it at the time. There are selling people things

新货郎 (东北民歌) 秀田 郭颂词曲 打起鼓来敲起锣 推着小车来送货 车上的东西实在是好呀 有文化学习的笔记本 钢笔铅笔文具盒儿 姑娘喜欢的小花布儿 小伙儿扎的线围脖...对应英文:The new salesman (Northeast Folk) is good with small Bu Er lad culture learning notebook pen pencil pencil boxes of girl like tie line collar Xiu Tian Guo Song playing drums and gongs are pushing the car to the delivery truck...

中山街对应英文:Zhongshan Street

马头琴、二胡、中胡、高胡、四胡、京胡、板胡、擂琴三弦 打击乐器 包括编钟、云锣、磬、鼓、锣、钹、木鱼对应英文:Mongol stringed instrument, erhu, Gaohu, Hu, HuR, Jinghu, Banhu, tracing instrument Sanxian percussion instruments including Muyu bells, gongs, drums, gongs, cymbals, music

光明路。靠近运河边这边进去对应英文:Guangming road. Close to the edge of the canal side


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