

凡人不可貌相对应英文:A man must not be

海水不可斗量对应英文:Great minds can not be fathomed

是"人不可貌相海水不可斗量"才对吧 看那个老爷爷一副弱不禁风的样子,很难想象他年轻的时候是举重世界冠军,真是人不可貌相海水不可斗量啊。 求采纳,谢谢。对应英文:"One can't judge great minds can not be fathomed." will see that grandpa a fragile appearance on it, it is hard to imagine that he is the world weightlifting champion when he was young, it was not for their looks great minds can not be fathomed. ah. Seeking to adopt, thank you.

凡人不可貌相,海水不可斗量对应英文:A man must not be judged by his appearance, just as the ocean cannot be measured in gallons

英语相应的俗语是"' " (别以封面而定论一本书的好坏),不过既然楼主想要的是直译,那么可以参考以下说法-. ,...对应英文:English proverb is the corresponding "'" (don't cover and a book good or bad), but since you want is the literal translation, you can refer to the following statement,...

凡人不可貌相是说很多东西的表象和真相差别是非常大的.所以不要贸然下结论.只有充分了解,才能真正理解. 海水不可斗量不要用小眼光的思路去思考所有的事情,有的东西...对应英文:A man must not be profiling is said a lot of appearances and truth difference is very big. So don't jump to conclusions. Only by fully understanding, can we truly understand. Great minds can not be fathomed. don't use small eyes thought to consider all things, some things...

凡人不可貌相,海水不可斗量对应英文:A man must not be judged by his appearance, just as the ocean cannot be measured in gallons

军事家、文学家!气质不凡,外表也一定不俗!什么"人不可貌相,海水不可斗量"啊!对应英文:Military strategist, writer! Uncommon temperament, appearance is good! "What can't judge people by appearances, great minds can not be fathomed."!

. 第二句用了否定比较级结构 … 意思是第二件事并不比第一件事更为可行。对应英文:. second sentence with the negative comparison structures... Mean second things is not the first thing more feasible.

别看这个小弟弟很小!可他学习成绩很好!真是凡人不可貌相,海上不可斗量啊!对应英文:Don't look at the little brother is very small! He gets good grades! It is people not a book by its cover, the sea cannot be measured!

第三声对应英文:Third sound


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