

三个有利于对应英文:Three is conducive to

邓小平政党伦理评价原则以“三个有利于”为标准。对应英文:Deng xiaoping's political ethical evaluation principles on the basis of "three benefits".

邓小平的“三个有利于”标准和江泽民的“三个代表”思想,是毛泽东人民观的价值取向在社会主义新的历史条件下的继承和发展。对应英文:Deng xiaoping's "three benefits" standard, and jiang zemin's "three represents" thought, is the value orientation of MAO zedong would see in inheriting and developing the essence of socialism under the new historical conditions.

第四,提出“三个有利于”标准,把真理尺度和价值标准统一起来,丰富和发展了马克思主义的实践观。对应英文:Fourth, put forward the "three benefits" standard, unified the truth criterion and value standard, enriched and developed marxist practice.

“三个代表”是坚持“三个有利于”的根本保证。对应英文:The "three represents" is the fundamental guarantee of adhere to the "three benefits".

邓小平的“三个有利于”标准和江泽民的“三个代表”思想,是毛泽东人民观的价值取向在社会主义新的历史条件下的继承和发展。对应英文:Deng xiaoping's "three benefits" standard, and jiang zemin's "three represents" thought, is the value orientation of MAO zedong would see in inheriting and developing the essence of socialism under the new historical conditions.

第四,提出“三个有利于”标准,把真理尺度和价值标准统一起来,丰富和发展了马克思主义的实践观。对应英文:Fourth, put forward the "three benefits" standard, unified the truth criterion and value standard, enriched and developed marxist practice.

“三个有利于”标准和“三个代表”重要思想是毛泽东的功利观在当代中国的新发展。对应英文:Standard of "three favorables" and the "three represents" important thought is the new development of MAO zedong's utilitarian view in contemporary China.

邓小平南方谈话的理论创新突出表现在社会主义本质问题、社会主义市场经济问题和对“三个有利于”标准的科学概括。对应英文:Deng xiaoping's southern talk of theoretical innovation, outstanding performance in the socialist nature of the socialist market economy and the standard of "three favorables" scientific generalization.

江泽民同志这一思想是以生产力为价值基础、以“三个有利于”为价值导向的中国社会主义社会经济、政治和文化系统的价值理想的现实实现。对应英文:Comrade jiang zemin this thought is based on productivity for value, in order to "three benefits" as the value orientation of China's socialist economic, political and cultural system of value ideal of reality.

“三个代表”重要思想与“三个有利于”标准具有一脉相承性,都是建立在马克思主义的基本原理和社会主义建设特别是当代中国改革、建设实践的基础之上。对应英文:The "three represents" important thought and the standard of "three favorables" important thought, is based on the basic principle of marxism and socialism construction especially reform in contemporary China, on the basis of construction practice.

“三个有利于”是检验中国改革开放思想正确与否的标准,“三个代表”则为马克思主义与时俱进确立了科学标尺。对应英文:"Three benefits" is the standard for testing China's reform and opening up thoughts correctly or not, "the three represents" is the marxism advancing with The Times to establish the scientific yardstick.

提出“三个有利于”标准,赋予生产力以主体价值尺度。对应英文:Put forward "three benefits" standard, give subject value scale to productivity.

行政伦理的评价主体是人民、评价客体是行政实践活动、评价尺度是“三个有利于”。对应英文:Administrative ethics evaluation subject is people, evaluation object is the administrative practice, evaluation scale is the "three benefits".

“三个有利于”成为改革开放的试金石,使人们的方向感大大增强。对应英文:"Three benefits" has become a litmus test of China's reform and opening up, enable people to greatly enhance the sense of direction.

实践标准、生产力标准和“三个有利于”标准是辩证统一的。对应英文:Practice standard, productivity and standard of "three favorables" is a dialectical unity.

从“三个有利于”到“三个代表”是当代中国马克思主义政治评价标准的历史性继承和发展。对应英文:From "three benefits" to the "three represents" is the marxism of contemporary China political evaluation standard of historic inheritance and development.

邓小平创造性地提出了“三个有利于”,江泽民则阐述了“三个代表”的重要思想。对应英文:Deng xiaoping creatively put forward the "three favorables", jiang zemin, expounds the important thought of "three represents".

邓小平“以人为本”的思想体现在邓小平的社会主义本质论、“三步走”战略理论以及“三个有利于”标准等重要理论之中。对应英文:Deng xiaoping's "people-oriented" ideas embodied in deng xiaoping's socialism essence theory, the theory of "three steps" strategy and "three benefits" standard, and other important theory.

“三个代表”重要思想和“三个有利于”标准具有一脉相承性。对应英文:The "three represents" important thought and the standard of "three favorables" important thought.

邓小平南方谈话的理论创新主要体现在社会主义本质、“三个有利于”标准和社会主义市场经济等理论上。对应英文:Deng xiaoping's southern talk mainly reflects in the socialism essence theory innovation, "three benefits" standard and the socialist market economy theory.

“三个有利于”标准的提出是邓小平对马克思主义价值理论的新贡献,它将始终成为中国教育改革与发展的价值标准。对应英文:"Three benefits" standard proposed is a new contribution of deng xiao-ping's theory of value of marxism, it will always be value standard of Chinese education reform and development.

“三个代表”重要思想是对“三个有利于”标准的继承和坚持,更是对“三个有利于”标准的丰富和发展。对应英文:"The three represents" the important thoughts of "three benefits" standard of inheritance and insist, but to enrich and develop the "three benefits" standard.

只要我们时候牢记三个有利于标准,持之以恒,我们自己的专利制度迟早也会获得自己的成功。对应英文:When as long as we keep in mind the three standards, perserve, sooner or later, we own the patent system will also get their own success.

要判断姓“资”还是姓“社”就必须掌握“三个是否有利于” ;对应英文:To judge's family name is "capital" or "social" whether "the three favorables" must be mastered,

典型的系统配置的三个不同部分,有利于操作和系统维护。对应英文:Three different part of the typical system configuration, operation and system maintenance.

证据三个主要部分的引用有利于鉴定裹尸布。对应英文:Evidence of three main parts shroud references for identification.

教师怎样调节情绪有利于课堂教学三个方面探讨教师自身教学情绪的调节策略,希望能为中学课堂教学的有效性研究提供一些有价值的建议。对应英文:Teachers how to adjust mood is beneficial to classroom teaching from three aspects of teachers' teaching emotion regulation strategies, hope for the effectiveness of the middle school classroom teaching study provides some valuable Suggestions.

这笔资金还将支持这三个国家的海关管理工作,以实施有利于防治腐败的完全电算化的清关程序。对应英文:The money will also support the customs management of the three countries, in implementation is advantageous to the prevention and control of corruption completely computerized customs clearance procedure.

中国农业银行便是香港流动性环境有利于上市的例证之一。三个月前在沪港同步举行超大规模上市之后,目前农行的香港股价相对于上海价格有着30%的溢价。对应英文:Agricultural bank of China is one of Hong Kong examples of liquidity environment conducive to public.

我认为中国加入世贸组织后有利于香港继续维持它的三个国际中心地位。对应英文:I think after China's accession to the wto is beneficial to Hong Kong to maintain its three international center position.

对波音-空客双头垄断市场那三个新兴对手而言,如今正是个有利于力争异军突起的时机。对应英文:Duopoly to Boeing, airbus and the three new competitors, now it is a beneficial to strive for the timing of the emerging.

一个叫做三个罢工计划的反对者说大选的临近这一事实有利于他们的目标的完成,尽管萨科奇在议会占有绝大多数的支持者。对应英文:Called a three strikes plan opponents say the election neared the fact that is conducive to the completion of their goal, even though Mr Sarkozy in the vast majority of supporters.


三个有利于 邓小平不仅坚持实践标准,而且随着改革开放实践的深入开展,进一步把实践标准具体化,提出了"生产力标准"和"三个有利于"标准。1978年以后,由农村基层干部和群众创造的联产承包责任制,就是对过去适合农业生产力发展水平的农业生产关系的恢复和发展。正是在这个背景下,邓小平先后指出:"对实现四个现代化是有利还是有害,应当成为衡量一切工作的最根本的是非标准。""社会主义经济政策对不对,归根到底要看生产力是否发展,人民收入是否增加。这是压倒一切的标准。""各项工作都要有助于建设有中国特色的社会主义,都要以是否有助于人民的富裕幸福,是否有助于国家的兴旺发达,作为衡量做得对或不对的标准。"邓小平在这一时期谈到经济体制改革、政治体制改革、改革开放成功与否时,多次提出要以是否有利于生产力的发展和人民生活水平的提高这两条为主要标准。"三个有利于"的前奏已经鸣响,南方谈话就是邓小平"三个有利于"判断标准提出的载体。 从精神实质上看,实践标准、生产力标准、"三个有利于"标准是统一的。实践对真理的检验,具体地说是通过实践结果表现出来的。社会实践的内涵是极其丰富的,其中生产活动是人类最基本的实践活动,是人类存在和发展的基础,生产力是社会发展的最终决定力量,是衡量人类社会进步的最高标准。从社会主义实践的经验教训中可知,生产力的发展和发展生产力,一直或隐或现地主导着并最终制约这一运动的成败。只有紧紧抓住发展生产力这一社会历史发展规律,社会主义事业才能真正取得胜利。因此是否推动了生产力的发展,是否有利于生产力的发展,便成为了检验实践活动成败和指导实践活动的理论认识对错的根本标准。"三个有利于"标准是对"生产力标准"的进一步展开和具体化,其核心和首要标准是生产力。 可见,实践标准、生产力标准和"三个有利于"标准是统一的,实践标准是基础,它已经蕴涵着生产力标准"三个有利于"标准的思想内容;而后两者又是对实践标准的具体化。这样,邓小平在新的历史条件下,为实践标准增添了新的内容,使其更加具有针对性和可操作性。

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