

给你脸就上大红对应英文:I give you face on the red

赶快 调整饮食 换适合的洗面脸和护肤品对应英文:To adjust the diet change for washing face and skin care products

女生容易在下巴周围长痘痘的可能是月事不顺所引起的,需要滋肾阴清虚热。 左边脸颊 可能是肝功能不顺畅,如肝脏的分泌、解毒或造血等功能出了状况,需要泻肝火。 右边脸颊...对应英文:The girl is not easy flow caused by around the chin acne may, need Zishen yinqingxure. On the left cheek liver function may be not smooth, such as the secretion of the liver, detoxification, or blood and other functions out of the situation, need purging liver fire. On the right cheek...

我曾经也是因为晒伤而导致两边的脸颊上起了一大片疙瘩,但我发的疙瘩很小,症状是发红干痒,痒时也不敢用手去...这样会把面部最外面一层用来保护皮肤的皮脂膜洗掉,所以脸会...对应英文:I've also because sunburn caused on both sides of the cheek up a large pimple pimple, but my hair is very small, the symptom is dry and itching redness, itching, also dare not to use the hand to... This will bring the outside face a layer to protect the skin's sebum film wash face, so...

考虑到有一个对比的关系,最好是选深于肤色的颜色,但是你肤色偏黄,红色又属于高饱和独得颜色,但黄色不太好,如果是浅卡其色可以,比较深的黄颜色不能选择。如果可能尽量...对应英文:Taking into account the relationship between a comparison, it is best to choose deeper than the skin color, but the color yellow, red and belongs to the high saturation color alone, but it is not very good, if it is light khaki, yellow color can not choose the relatively deep. If possible...

要看是不是体能有毒素还是对环境过敏。之前我有同事就有。他的是环境影响。对应英文:To see Is it right? Physical toxins or to environmental allergies. Before I have colleagues have. His is the environmental impact.

何况是娇嫩的皮肤。如果宝宝小于个月,最好什么都不要抹,没关系的,因为抹了也不会有太大的作用,相反对宝宝的皮肤不好。对应英文:Especially delicate skin. If the baby is less than a month, what are the best not to wipe, never mind, because it will not have much effect, contrary to the baby's skin is not good.

你说号线...不知道是哪个地方的,来这里找也是大海捞针啊,找不到的。真想交朋友你还不如下回等着她着。 车里人来人往的,一直低头玩手机说明同车的没她的朋友,那怎么找...对应英文:You said the line... Don't know which place, here is look for a needle in the ocean, not found. I want to make friends you might as well next time waiting for her. The car People are hurrying to and fro., always play down mobile phone with the car without her friends, so how can I find...

《大红灯笼高高挂》一片中,总有个不出场的老爷阴沉的身影罩住整个大院,虽然一刻也没在戏里出现,可他那可怕的影子却一刻都没有散去。在这阴影下,人们斗得人伦尽丧,每一...对应英文:"Raise the red lantern" in a piece, there is always a not out of the old gray shadow covers the whole courtyard, although did not for a moment in the play, but his terrible shadow but a moment do not disperse. In this shadow, people take human do lose, each...

中国足球 四大白头场雪 精粉面 新摘的棉花 拨皮鸡蛋 四大红剪彩布 花轿的蓬 新娘子的盖头 输血瓶 四大红关公脸 结婚证 醉鬼的眼睛 猴子的腚 四大新搬新房 入洞房...对应英文:Chinese football four white snow powder surface of freshly picked cotton dial skin egg four red scissors cloth decorated sedan chair Peng the bride's hijab transfusion bottle four red Guangong face marriage certificate drunk eyes monkey buttocks four new move to new homes into the bridal chamber...



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