

情人眼里出西施对应英文:Beauty lies in lover's eyes

情人眼里出西施。对应英文:Beauty lies in lover's eyes.

对陷入爱河人的大脑扫描证明,古老谚语“情人眼里出西施”道理是何等正确。对应英文:To fall in love the human brain scans show that old proverb "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" truth is correct.

现在,你是情人眼里出西施,觉得他什么都好,不过不久后你就会看清楚他真实的一面了。对应英文:Now, you are the eyes of the beholder, think he what all good, but you will soon see his true one side.

对陷入爱河人的大脑扫描证明,古老谚语“情人眼里出西施”道理是何等正确。对应英文:To fall in love the human brain scans show that old proverb "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" truth is correct.

现在,你是情人眼里出西施,觉得他什么都好,不过不久后你就会看清楚他真实的一面了。对应英文:Now, you are the eyes of the beholder, think he what all good, but you will soon see his true one side.

很显然,经济政策的制定算不上一门科学,至少在当时的情况下不算。 假如制定经济政策是艺术的话,那它在债券市场那些旁观者的眼中也是“情人眼里出西施”罢了。对应英文:Clearly, economic policy making is not a science, at least not at the time of the case.

然而这种造假手法也反映了当代科学已经征服个每个领域,即便是一个情人眼里出西施的主观世界。对应英文:But that also reflects the contemporary scientific fraud has conquered every field, even if is a subjective world of the eyes of the beholder.

尽管参与者在组内成员的吸引力上大体达成了一致,这项研究重新确认了“情人眼里出西施”这个观点。对应英文:Although the participants in the appeal on the team's members generally agreed, this study confirmed that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" again the point of view.

如今研究终于证明,相较于情人眼里出西施,喝酒的人眼里更能出美女。对应英文:Now researchers have finally proved that compared with the eyes of the beholder, more beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

性感太肤浅了。 你很可爱啊。情人眼里出西施。对应英文:Sexy is too shallow.

Pete告诉我他的女朋友是个大美女,可当我见到她,我也就觉得她长的还可以。看来真的是情人眼里出西施啊。对应英文:Pete told me his girlfriend is a big beauty, but when I saw her, I also felt her long can also.

我不知道他怎么会认为她好看呢,但是情人眼里出西施。对应英文:I don't know how he can think she looks good, but the eyes of the beholder.

1878年,玛格丽特•沃尔夫•汉格斐德撰写“情人眼里出西施”时,她写道,人们对美没有一致的观点。对应英文:In 1878, when Margaret Wolfe, hanger, Frederick wrote "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", she wrote, of no consistent view.

你也会觉得他最帅,情人眼里出西施嘛。对应英文:You will also think he is the most handsome, the eyes of the beholder.

当然了,对美丽也有类似的说法,比如“情人眼里出西施”就能与之相对。对应英文:Of course, also have similar to beauty, such as "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" can in contrast.

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