

公侯肚里好撑船对应英文:Gong Hou has good punt

此联讲的是度(肚)量大,自然是"猪"了。对应英文:This copy is about degree (belly) in large quantity, nature is the "pig".

将相头顶堪走马,公侯肚里能撑船对应英文:The head can zouma, Gong Hou you for ever

未晚先投宿,鸡鸣早看天。 将相顶头堪走马,公侯肚里好撑船。富人思来年,贫人思眼前。 世上若要人情好,赊去物件莫取钱。死生有命,富贵在天。 击石原有火,不击乃无烟。...对应英文:Not too late to lodge, at early days. The plug can zouma, Gong Hou has good punt. The rich think of next year, the poor man si eyes. World to human good, credit to the object not to take the money. Dying is as natural as living. The original fire struck the rock, but not on smokeless. ...

"宰相肚里能撑船"是人们常说的一个俗语,用来称赞一个人的心胸宽广,有容人之量。那么,这个俗语有何来历呢...何处之"王安石回答说"宰相肚里撑得船,从来人言不足恤。"...对应英文:"Prime minister belly" is a saying often said, to praise a person's broad-minded, tolerant in the. So, what is this saying came from... Where the "Wang Anshi replied" prime minister goes up the ship, I say not a shirt. "...

宰相肚里能撑船,肚量大的意思对应英文:Broad-minded, generous

误处皆缘不学,强做乃成自然。 将相头顶堪走马,公侯肚里好撑船。 贫不卖书留子读,老犹栽竹与人看。 不作风波于世上,但留清白在人间。 勿因群疑而阻独见,勿任己意而废...对应英文:Mistakes are not strong edge, is a natural. The head can zouma, Gong Hou you good punt. The poor do not sell books with reading, the Jew planted bamboo and people. Don't make waves in the world, but stay clean in the world. Not because the group suspected resistance alone see, do not let oneself idea and waste...

独木桥难行 将相头顶堪走马,公侯肚里能撑船 九曲桥上扛竹竿 难转弯转不过弯来 九曲桥上散步 走弯路拐弯抹角 九曲桥上拖毛竹 拐弯抹角难过 枯木搭桥 存心害人对应英文:The single plank bridge to the head can zouma, Gong Hou goes to punt on the zigzag bridge carrying a pole to turn but to turn to zigzag bridge walk detours equivocate Jiuqu Qiao drag bamboo wood bypass Greek equivocate

独木桥难行 将相头顶堪走马,公侯肚里能撑船 桥有关的成语 过河拆桥 过桥抽板 舌桥不下桥是桥,路归路 .与桥有关的诗句 造舟为梁,不显其光。(《诗经.大雅.大明》) 溪...对应英文:The single plank bridge to the head can zouma, Gong Hou belly bridge idioms burn the bridge after crossing it burn the bridge after crossing it very astonished bridge is the bridge, road and Bridge Road. The poem shipbuilding as beam, not the light. ("the book of songs. Easy. Daming") creek...

它能包容人世间的喜怒哀乐,使人生跃上新的台阶,《增广贤文》指出"将相胸前堪走马,公侯肚里好撑船。"就是要我们学会宽容,学会谦让。只有宽容地看待人生和体谅他人时,...对应英文:It can contain all the passions in life, so that the new step, "kind" pointed out that "the breast augmentation can zouma, Gong Hou has good punt. "Is that we should learn tolerance, learn humility. Only tolerant view of life and considerate of others,...

枯木逢春犹再发,人无两度再少年。未晚先投宿,鸡鸣早看天。将相顶头堪走马,公侯肚里好撑船。富人思来年,贫人思眼前。世上若要人情好,赊去物件莫取钱。死生有命,富贵在...对应英文:Again and again, no twice to juvenile. Not too late to lodge, at early days. The plug can zouma, Gong Hou has good punt. The rich think of next year, the poor man si eyes. World to human good, credit to the object not to take the money. Life and death are predetermined, rich in...


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