

好男不与女斗对应英文:Good men and women do not fight

好男不跟女斗"实质上是大男子主义的化身,也是男人嘴里 一句美丽的谎言。每当男人理亏时,总要先声夺人地来上这句话, 以示其多么宽容,多么礼让其实只不过是掩饰心虚的...对应英文:Good men do not fight with women "is essentially the embodiment of macho man, is also a beautiful lie. Whenever a man wrong, always lead to this sentence, to show how tolerant, how courteous but was in fact conceal guilty...

还根据祖师对观音的态度,立下一条行事原则"男不跟女斗"从此就在民间流传下来"男不跟女斗"这句话。对应英文:According to the founder of a Buddism godness Guanyin attitude, make a principle "men do not fight with women" has handed down among the people "men do not fight with women" this sentence.

齐天大圣孙悟空的经典对白,也是我的人生行为准则对应英文:Classic dialogue Monkey King Sun Wukong, is my life criteria

那个男的是盯着小龙虾看了一会,应该是看到耳孔还是什么女人的标志,原本想动手的他才说了句好男不跟女斗。对应英文:The man is staring at the crayfish and watched for a while, should see the sign ears or what woman, originally wanted to do him to say a sentence good men do not fight with women.

不行,怜香惜玉对应英文:No, woman

十个簸箕在相学上称为 坤纹 十个斗在相学上称为 乾纹 八卦有一个十个斗和十个簸箕的高楼。 民间的宿命姻缘十个斗的人和十个簸箕的是上天注定的姻缘,他们要受好几世磨...对应英文:Ten dustpan in the learning phase called Kun lines ten fights in the phase known as dry lines gossip has a ten bucket and ten measures of high-rise buildings. Folk fate marriage ten bucket and ten dustpan is doomed marriage, they should be subject to several world mill...

我觉得这是对仁人君子的要求,可能女子历来在我国都是处于比较弱势的地位吧,而且无论在体质方面见识方面有时候都不如我们男人,所以做男人的就要学会克制自己,不要和女...对应英文:I think this is the requirement of a kindly man of high character, the woman always possible in our country are in a relatively weak position, and whatever in the physical aspect sometimes as we men, so men must learn to restrain myself, do not and female...

水再也力量也压不过山去,男不和女斗是风度,水不和山斗是明智。对应英文:Water will power not to pressure roller coaster, male and female do not struggle is grace, with mountain water bucket is wise.

研究《周易》的朋友可以知道。简单的给朋友你说吧,九个斗女生的和十个簸箕的男生并不是很配的..真的。因为...所以希望这些俊男靓女不要错过彼此的幸福哦!... 祝楼主幸福...对应英文:Study on the "book of changes" friends can know. A simple friend you say, nine buckets of girls and ten of boys and dustpan wasn't quite good enough.. really. Because... I hope these handsome boys and pretty girls don't miss each other's happiness Oh! Wish you happiness.....

因为和女斗的确实没有一个是好男啊而女人与男人斗那是本份。对应英文:Because female fight is really not a good man, and man and woman bucket that is this.


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