

有心栽花花不发对应英文:Many things grow in the garden not hair

因此,人们不免要感叹「著意栽花花不发,等闲插柳柳成荫。」典出关汉卿〈包待制智斩鲁斋郎〉第二折的经典名句,人们常以「有心栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成荫」记忆之、传诵...对应英文:Therefore, people always sigh "mean to plant the flowers not hair, easily the gander. "Originated from Guan Hanqing 'packages to be cut for wisdom Luzhailang' second fold of the classic line, people often use" determined to grow flowers do not open, no interpolation Yoo Yoo "read memory...

无心插柳柳成荫对应英文:The gander

(有心栽花花不开--虽然总想着这件事,但是一想到这件事,心里就感觉不踏实,万一实现不了怎么办…万一没有成功怎么办… 所以当得失心比较重的时候 自然带阻念头就会比较...对应英文:(determined to grow flowers do not open -- I always think this matter, but the thought of this matter, the heart will feel insecure, if do not realize... If not do successfully... So when heart failure is relatively heavy natural resistant thoughts will be more...

之一"谋事在人,成事在天。" 还有诗歌说的一个世事现象"山重水复已无路,柳暗花明又一村"。对应英文:One of the "Man proposes, God disposes. "Mountains multiply and streams double back and poetry say a world phenomenon" has no road, There is a way out ".

对应英文:This is a tool based on Google Translator !

有心栽花花不发,无心插柳柳成荫,无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来.出自古训《增广贤文》对应英文:Planted flower not hair, the gander, feel helpless to flowers, deja vu. From the old "augmented" words of wisdom

柳树比较容易扦插成活 扦插后极容易生根,属于无性繁殖花移栽时可能根系损伤严重了,若用种子的话可能是由于胚死亡或者 后代性状分离不能存活 等等 ..对应英文:Willow easier cutting survival after cutting the very root easily, belongs to asexual flowers when transplanting may root injury serious, if the seeds may be due to fetal death or separation of offspring traits cannot survive etc..

刺激了名族资本主义的产生对应英文:It stimulates the production of family capitalism

意料之外 歪打正着对应英文:Contrary to expectation hit the mark by a fluke

植物学上的扦插问题,不同植物扦插时对条件有不同需求,符合它的要求就生根发芽,否则就不能成活。对应英文:The cutting problem of Botany, plant cuttings have different needs for conditions, comply with its requirements to germinate, otherwise it can not survive.


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