


真相是说不清道不明的东西, 它危险而暴力, 充满了希望, 潜有非常明确或者极具争议的事情——道义和政治上的模棱两可。对应英文:The truth is indistinct, it can be dangerous and violent, full of hope, potentially very clear or controversial things -- moral and politically ready to accept either course.

有些东西却是说不清道不明,心里久久不能隐去,无论自己如何勉强,都逃不过尘世的烦扰,只能不情愿的接受。对应英文:Some things can not remember clearly, and my heart a long time can not fade, no matter how reluctantly, have failed to escape the earth's annoyance, only reluctantly accepted.

但她一进门,就感到有说不清道不明、充满活力和刚强的气氛,她的步子慢悠、声调甜柔。对应英文:But as soon as she was, she felt indistinct, energetic and strong atmosphere, she moved slowly, her voice was sweet and soft.

真相是说不清道不明的东西, 它危险而暴力, 充满了希望, 潜有非常明确或者极具争议的事情——道义和政治上的模棱两可。对应英文:The truth is indistinct, it can be dangerous and violent, full of hope, potentially very clear or controversial things -- moral and politically ready to accept either course.

有些东西却是说不清道不明,心里久久不能隐去,无论自己如何勉强,都逃不过尘世的烦扰,只能不情愿的接受。对应英文:Some things can not remember clearly, and my heart a long time can not fade, no matter how reluctantly, have failed to escape the earth's annoyance, only reluctantly accepted.

但她一进门,就感到有说不清道不明、充满活力和刚强的气氛,她的步子慢悠、声调甜柔。对应英文:But as soon as she was, she felt indistinct, energetic and strong atmosphere, she moved slowly, her voice was sweet and soft.

随着交互式电子媒体的普及,独自在家的个人将具备前所未有的优越条件,来满足自己从摇篮到火葬场那说不清、道不明的精神世界。对应英文:With the popularity of interactive electronic media, alone at home will have advantages of hitherto unknown, to meet their own from the cradle to the crematorium that spiritual world is not clear, the unknown channel.

文化这东西,从表象看,真是说不清、道不明的存在,但它又无时无刻不在影响着人们的心理和行为。对应英文:Culture of this thing, from the perspective of imagery, it is vague, unclear, but it every hour and moment does not affect people's psychology and the behavior.

我知道,英国食品的名声是说不清道不明的,所以对外人来说,它一直就是一个笑话。对应英文:I know, the British food reputation is indistinct, so the foreign people, it has always been a joke.

出于某种说不清道不明的原因,无论他们过去的记录多么辉煌,民主党人总是发现他们很难说服选民,他们也能正确地领导战争。对应英文:For one reason or another, no matter how glorious their records, Democrats have often found it hard to persuade voters, they can also correct leadership in the war.

我如此放大眼中这朵荷花,实在是太想理清以前心中那种说不清道不明的感觉,这就是我喜爱荷花的原因了。对应英文:I'm so enlarged eyes of the lotus, it is too would like to clarify that previous heart indistinct feeling, this is why I love lotus.

但她一进门,我们就感到有一种说不清道不明、充溢赌气和坚强的氛围,尽管她的步子慢悠、音调甜柔。对应英文:But as soon as she was, was an indistinct, and the strong atmosphere of our with her, although she moved slowly, tone sweet.

这样一来,贝卢斯科尼与那不勒斯年轻女子诺埃米•莱蒂齐亚说不清道不明的关系反倒退居次席了。对应英文:In this way, Berlusconi and a young woman from Naples Noemi Letizia said relations between the indistinct but second fiddle.

淡扯得多了,扯淡成为常态,我们的公共生活就会变得虚假脆弱,充满一种说不清道不明的诡异。对应英文:Light pull more, all become the norm, our public life will become false fragile, with an indistinct.

此时正值日出,阳光洒在湖面上,露出一种说不清道不明的清秀。对应英文:At a time when the sunrise, the sun sprinkled on the lake, with an indistinct handsome.

好的女人一定有自己独特之处,而好的包包也一定有令人迷醉的味道,两者间的关系,说不清道不明,却分明都是在外观上流淌,渗透在每一个角落、每一个细节。对应英文:Good women have their own uniqueness, and a good bag must also have a fascinating taste, the relationship between the two, indistinct, but clearly are flowing in appearance, permeate every corner, every detail.

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