

好心不得好报对应英文:Why does my good will deserve a bad ending

或许他本来就是个本性比较坏,无论对任何人都是知恩不报,就爱说别人闲话,本性难改的问题,和你没有关系!二是因为你对他好了,也对他坏了,所以好坏相抵,他认为你这人也挺...对应英文:Maybe he is a nature bad, regardless of any person who is know well don't quote, he loves to gossip about others, die hard nature problem, it doesn't matter and you! Two because you is good for him, for he is bad, so the quality of balance, he thought you were also quite...

分析一下 原因一你看走眼了,徐娘犹未半老,只是长相颇显老而已,故而发火 原因二更年期综合症发作中。。。对应英文:Analysis of the reason you see an eye, age and not old, but looks quite old, so angry attack reason two climacteric syndrome...

狗咬吕洞宾---不识好人心 寓意和农夫救蛇----好心不得好报 一样 我是这么认为的对应英文:The dog bites Lv Dongbin - not good people moral and farmer saved a snake - kind may not be good. I think so

(狗)对应英文:(the dog)

这要看对方的人品啦,,对方的人品好就自然而然会给你好报的,,但如果对方人品不好,,他连一声谢谢都不会说的!!这种人不知的给予他帮助,,这种人从来不知道感恩,,也不会知...对应英文:It depends on each other's character, good character, the other will come very naturally will give you happiness, but if the other character, is not good, thank you, he even can't speak!! the people know to help him,, such people never know Thanksgiving, is not known...

自己明明好心可是被救人不仅不感谢还说是自己的错。还有古代的臣子好心谏言可皇上不以为然还给臣子施加酷刑等等,太多了,如果还有请追问我缓一下。 童话 一个农夫捡了...对应英文:We kindly but save not only thank said is the fault of their own. There are ancient men kindly advice not to regard it as right back but the emperor courtiers torture and so on, if there is too much, please ask me slow. The fairy picked up a farmer...


农夫与蛇 恩将仇报 背信弃义 过河拆桥对应英文:The farmer and the snake return kindness with ingratitude evil for good burn the bridge after crossing it treachery

对应英文:This is a tool based on Google Translator !

狼心狗肺对应英文:Be as cruel as a wolf


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