

英雄出乱世对应英文:Heroes gone out

就是世道乱动不能再乱了 人就变态了 极端变态的就领导不太变态的去建立一个相对变态的法则或规则 然后世道就不怎么乱了 这些变态们慢慢回归正常 他们的子孙静静地等待...对应英文:Is something still can't disorderly person metamorphosis extreme metamorphosis lead not allergic to establish a relatively normal rule or rules and then the world is not how messy the metamorphosis were slowly returning to normal and their children waiting quietly...

盛世则和平安逸,秩序井然,有才华的人要脱颖而出就步那么容易,因为受到诸如资历等等的限制. 乱世出英雄,时势造英雄。危难之时方显英雄本色! 曹操是英雄吗我想大家一致...对应英文:Spirit is the peaceful, orderly, talented people to talent showing itself will step so easily, because such as seniority and so on restrictions. Chaotic hero, a hero. The time of distress in the true colour of a hero! Cao Cao hero is I think we agree...

应该说时事造英雄。对应英文:It should be said that the hero of current affairs.

玄谓曰'天下方乱,群雄虎争,拨而理之非君乎然君实是乱世之英雄,治世之奸贼。"对应英文:Xuan Yue 'World Party mess, "tiger fight, dial and non Jun Jun is suddenly in the history of the hero, villain. "

这是权威英汉词典上的说法 谚语版 . 英语高级口笔译的回答对应英文:This is the English Chinese Dictionary of proverbs is authoritative version. English translation answer

所谓的乱世出英雄,是历史的规律与必然。试问,如果在兵荒马乱的世道,还没有救世主式的人物出来打草残局,我们的时代与社会又怎么进步呢英雄就是在大家的忍耐即将达到...对应英文:The so-called chaotic hero, is a historical law and inevitable. Ask, if in Binghuangmaluan times, no messianic figure out haying endgame, age and our society and how the progress of the hero is in everyone's patience will reach...

生存压力促使人们成长。盛世里,出的是孬种~对应英文:Survival pressure makes people grow. Spirit, out of the chicken

乱世出英雄太平本是英雄定奈何太平不让英雄见韩信他灭了项羽 功高把但是太平后就容不得这等英雄了对应英文:The troubled the hero is set to Taiping Taiping does not let the hero to see Han he destroyed Xiang Yu too high but Taiping after not tolerate such a hero

我个人认为英雄是需要一点野性的,也需要一点权利的 但是中国封建社会是专制主义中央集权不断加强的时期,皇...到了乱世就不一样了,所有隐士的抱负都有望实现,因此更多有...对应英文:I personally think that the hero is a need for a little wild, also need a bit of rights but Chinese feudal autocratic centralization strengthening period, Huang... To the troubled times is not the same, all hermit ambition is expected to achieve, so more...

乱世出英雄,盛世产庸吏.乱世出英雄,时势造英雄。对应英文:Chaotic hero, spirit produce mediocre officials. Chaotic hero, a hero.


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