

攫金不见人对应英文:Grab the gold not people

"逐鹿子不见山, 攫金子不见人。" 一气呵成写下这两句话的林尚沃抬头看着朴钟一说道"追鹿的人目中无山,握金的人目中无人。" 一杯酒喝干,林尚沃笑道"这句话说的就...对应英文:"So do not see hill, took the gold not people. "No mountains make smooth reading to write this sentence Linshangwo looked up at Pu Zhongyi and said" man running after a deer head, holding the gold one. "Wine, Linshangwo smiled and said" this saying is...

利欲熏心而导致其失去理智。对应英文:Be reckless with greed and the irrational.

í é é ī 齐 人 攫 金编辑本段解 释 齐人攫金,形容因贪利而失去了理智,利欲熏心,不顾一切。编辑本段成语出处 战国·郑·列御寇《列子·说符》编辑本段原 文...对应英文:í é é ī Qi people seize gold edit this section explain Qirenjuejin, described by greed and lost their senses, be reckless with greed, fling caution to the winds. Edit this paragraph idioms source during the Warring States period, Zheng, a bandit "column Liezi said." the original text...

.问道"人都在那儿,你为什么要拿别人的金子呢".取金之时,不见人,徒见金。.寓意追求物质财富,希望生活宽裕,是人之常情,但利欲熏心,见钱眼开,进而做出有悖人性、愚蠢...对应英文:"The people who are there. Asked, why do you want to take someone else's gold." take gold, not people, but see gold. . the moral pursuit of material wealth, hope the well-off life, is It's only human, but be reckless with greed, greed, and then make against human nature, stupid...

齐人攫金 成语词条 齐人攫金 成语发音 í é é ī 成语释疑 攫夺取。比喻利欲熏心而不顾一切。 成...对曰"取金之时,不见人,徒见金。" 这个故事给人的启示是深刻...对应英文:Qirenjuejin idiom entry Qirenjuejin idiom pronunciation í é é ī idiom interpretation strove to capture. Metaphor be reckless with greed and fling caution to the winds. "The gold into... Replied, not people, but see gold. "This story to give people inspiration is deep...

齐人攫金 《列子·说符》"昔齐人有欲金者,清旦,衣冠而之市,适鬻金者之所,因攫(,抓取,抢夺)其金而去。吏...对曰'取金之时,不见人,徒见金。'" 释译从前齐国有个想得到...对应英文:Qirenjuejin "Liezi said Fu" "Xi Qi has the desire of gold, Qing Dan, clothes and the city, suitable vend gold place, due to grab (grab, grab,) the gold and go. Officials said the gold... ', not people, but see gold. 'once upon a time there is a "interpretation to get...

齐人攫金 文言文 昔齐人有欲金者,清旦衣冠而之市,适鬻金者之所,因攫其金而去。吏捕得之,问曰"人皆在焉,子攫人之金何" 对曰"取金之时,不见人,徒见金。" 翻译文 以前...对应英文:Qirenjuejin writings in classical style in Qi has the desire of gold, Qing Dan dress and the city, suitable vend gold by the participants, and to seize the gold because of. Official catch, "asked everyone in Yan, who captured the gold son what" said "take gold, not people, but see gold. "The previous...

" 相关... 攫金不见人 词语解释 成语 攫金不见人 发音é ī ù à é 解释 比喻为了满足个人的欲望而不顾一切。 出处 《列子·说符》"取金之时不见人,徒见金。"...对应英文:"... took gold no words to explain the idiom took gold not people pronounce é ī ù à é interpretation of metaphor in order to satisfy personal desires and fling caution to the winds. The source "Liezi said Fu" "gold is not people, but see gold. "...

聚敛无厌 聚敛搜刮,盘剥。厌饱,满足。尽力收刮钱财,永远也不满足。形容非常贪婪。 攫金不见人 比喻为了满足个人的欲望而不顾一切。 如愿以偿 偿实现、满足。按所...对应英文:Julianwuyan convergent search, exploit. Tired of full, meet. Try to grab money, never meet. Describe very greedy. Grab the gold not people analogy to satisfy individual desire and fling caution to the winds. Have got one's wish to achieve, to meet the repayment. According to the...

家传人诵 绝代佳人 夹袋人物 借刀杀人 纪纲人论 嫁祸于人 瘠己肥人 家骥人璧 久居人下 家给人足 攫金不见人 借剑杀人 蒹葭伊人 酒阑人散 九流人物 假力于人 解铃还需...对应英文:Jiachuanrensong be unequaled in beauty Jiadairenwu murder a person with a borrowed knife Jigangrenlun shift the blame on others Jiajirenbi exhaust oneself to enrich others remain long in a lowly position all live in plenty. Grab gold not people murder with a borrowed sword Jianjiayiren Jiulanrensan nine flow a person to borrow strength of another knot system needs to...


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