

进门看脸色对应英文:Watching the door face

兴高采烈 兴高彩烈 扬眉吐气 欣喜若狂 称心如意 踌躇满志 春风得意 得意洋洋 得意忘形 满面春风 眉飞色舞 拍案叫绝 其乐无穷 求仁得仁 如释重负 如愿以偿 陶情适性 为...对应英文:A feeling of exaltation upon fulfillment as one wishes be jubilant rapture tread enormously proud of one's success successful feel oneself highly flattered beam with joy be overwhelmed with admiration for an endless enjoyment shine with happiness get dizzy with success feel a sense of relief Taoqingshixing have got one's wish to get the desired object...

再看自己的胆色,够不够量,然后看女鬼的脸色,是不是处于刺激状态,接下来是继续研究女鬼姿色还是看你的印堂色,就看你的幸运色了。对应英文:Look at their bravery, enough volume, and then see the ghost's face, Is it right? Is stimulated, the next is to continue research on the female beauty or watch your Yintang color, see your lucky color.

惧法朝朝乐,欺公日日忧。 人生一世,草生一春。 黑发不知勤学早,看看又是白头翁。 月到十五光明少,人到中年万事休。 儿孙自有儿孙福,莫为儿孙作马牛。 人生不满百,...对应英文:Fear of law towards music, the daily care. A life, a spring grass. Heaven first, have a look and anemone. Month to fifteen less bright, middle-aged people everything off. Sons Sunfu has its own son, Mo for cattle and horses for the children and grandchildren. Life hundred,...

进门看脸色是指管窥全豹,从细微处了解大致情况以便更好的应对。两者都是通过细心的观察来合理安排或解决问题对应英文:Watching the door face is that of all, understand the general situation in order to better cope with from the subtle. Both are through careful observation to arrange or solve the problem


推销员要能洞察别人的心情,可以分析别人的心理才有致胜把握呀。对应英文:The salesman to have insight into the feelings of others, can analyze the psychology of others only winning grasp.

就是要注意氛围,见机行事对应英文:Is to pay attention to the atmosphere, act according to circumstances

寄人篱下,要看老板、主管脸色,不看脸色,难免要被炒鱿鱼、被穿小鞋。于是"出门看天色,入门看脸色。"成了南方人经常挂在嘴边的一句谚语。有人认为这话世故,也显得缺乏人...对应英文:Jirenlixia, to see the boss, head face, do not look at the face, will not be fired, was chuanxiaoxie. So go out to see the sky, "Introduction to look at his face. "The southerners often hung in the mouth of a proverb. Some people think that this world, also is the lack of people...

人能助你却不帮时,可能你就会后悔地体味那民间俚语俗语"出门看天色,进门看脸色"是多少受用。中国人最好是齐头并进,比翼齐飞。要是有人阔了,问题也就来了,恐怕朋友也...对应英文:Man can help you don't help, you may regret to savor the folk slang "to go out to see the sky, watching the door face" is how much benefit. Chinese is best to do many things at once, fly side by side. If someone is rich, problems will come, I'm afraid friends...

在自己说话的时候也要学会倾听他人的说话,俗话说出门看天色,进门看脸色。因此在说话时更要学会看他人听你说话时的表情,以便适时的改变自己说话的内容、语气等等,说话...对应英文:When you speak to listen to others speak, saying to go out to see the sky, watching the door face. Therefore speak more to learn to look at other people to listen to you of facial expression, so as to adjust their speech content, tone and so on, to speak...


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