

人多力量大对应英文:Many hands make light work

他曾经说过:人多力量大!对应英文:He once said: many hands make light work!

地球上的中国有“众人拾柴火焰高”“人多力量大”这种文化,为何不在大范围里用呢?对应英文:On earth China has "the firewood flame high" "many hands make light work" the culture, why not use in a wide range of?

可是人多并没有代表力量大,众多都是掌握一般专业知识,浅尝辄止,徘徊于专业与非专业之间。对应英文:But that is not on behalf of strength, more people are numerous master the specialized knowledge, tasted, is hovering between professional and non-professional.

人多力量大。 你不必因为你的独角戏变成了众人的合唱而担心。对应英文:Many hands make light work.

地球上的中国有“众人拾柴火焰高”“人多力量大”这种文化,为何不在大范围里用呢?对应英文:On earth China has "the firewood flame high" "many hands make light work" the culture, why not use in a wide range of?

可是人多并没有代表力量大,众多都是掌握一般专业知识,浅尝辄止,徘徊于专业与非专业之间。对应英文:But that is not on behalf of strength, more people are numerous master the specialized knowledge, tasted, is hovering between professional and non-professional.

人多力量大,所以他们需要全体地发挥,这就是我们必需要明白的。对应英文:Many hands make light work, so they need to play, all this is what we have to understand.

他曾经说过:人多力量大!结果中国人口最多,成为负担。对应英文:He once said: many hands make light work!

在人类已产生的劳动文化中,有一种叫做“人多力量大”的文化。这是人类的一种聪。对应英文:In humans have been produced by labor culture, there is a kind of culture called "many hands make light work".

一点也不麻烦!真的!我很乐意帮忙,人多力量大嘛。对应英文:Don't bother!

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