

拉大旗做虎皮对应英文:Do ladaqi tiger

答徐懋庸并关于抗日统一战线问题》首先应该扫荡的,倒是拉大旗作为虎皮,包着自己,去吓唬别人。 希望帮上你哦~(≥▽≤)/~啦啦啦对应英文:A Xu Maoyong and about the Anti Japanese United Front "should first sweep, but the flag as a tiger, wrapped himself, to frighten others. Want to help you oh ~ (≥ at ≤). La la la

比如文革中林彪、江清一伙都是打着毛主席的旗号干欺压人民的勾当,就是采用的这种"拉大旗,做虎皮"的方法。对应英文:For example, during the cultural revolution, Lin Biao, the Jiang Qing gang are under the banner of Chairman Mao did oppress the people's activities, this "is used to pull the banner for the tiger,".

主要是在政治上用到"拉大旗作虎皮" .旗印(はたじるし)で自分(じぶん)を饰り立て(かざりたて) .人(ひと)を胁す(おどす)对应英文:Is mainly used in political "use the great banner as a tiger-skin." banner (used for morality in Japan (a) self morality "by the soul made decorative cere) at (as bottled for people (at).) or threat (and also I)

也作"扯大旗作虎皮"。 出处 鲁迅《且介亭杂文末编 答徐懋庸并关于抗日统一战线问题》首先应该扫荡的,倒是拉大旗作为虎皮,包着自己,去吓唬别人。 近对应英文:Also "pull the banner for the skin". From Lu Xun "and refer kiosks at the end of a Xu Maoyong and a series of essays in the Anti Japanese United Front problem" should first sweep, but the flag as a tiger, wrapped himself, to frighten others. Near

狐假虎威。 讽刺喜欢鼓吹,却无实质内容。对应英文:Borrowing power to do evil. The irony that love, but no substantive content.

是打乔杰的意思呵呵对应英文:Is Qiao Jie saying oh

动不动就搬出张大千吓唬人,其实他和张大千仅有一点远房亲戚关系,可是他四处乱吹,无非是拉大旗作虎皮抬高自己罢了,并不说明他的画好。" 出 处 鲁迅《且介亭杂文末编...对应英文:Motionless on the move Zhang Daqian scare people, in fact, he and Zhang Daqian is only a little distant relatives, but he was blowing, simply use the great banner as a tiger-skin raise themselves, not that his painting. "Lu Xun" and refer kiosks essays at the end of series...

答徐懋庸并关于抗日统一战线问题》首先应该扫荡的,倒是拉大旗作为虎皮,包着自己,去吓唬别人。对应英文:A Xu Maoyong and about the Anti Japanese United Front "should first sweep, but the flag as a tiger, wrapped himself, to frighten others.

登徒小子和珅戾,死于非命是忠臣,于是帝王看吾戏" 这样的诗句吗 再说,"拉大旗作虎皮"出处 鲁迅《且介亭杂文末编•答徐懋庸并关于抗日统一战线问题》首先应该扫...对应英文:Deng and Shen Li die an untimely on kid, is loyal, so the emperor see my play "this poem do say," use the great banner as a tiger-skin "source" and Lu Xun refer kiosks essays compiled, a Xu Maoyong and about the end of the Anti Japanese United Front problem "should first sweep...

拉大旗作虎皮   发 音 ā à í ò ǔ í   释 义 喻指借别人的声势去吓唬别人。例"张斗红画得很一般,怕人看不起,动不动就搬出张大千吓唬人,其实他和张大千仅...对应英文:Use the great banner as a tiger-skin pronunciation ā à í ò ǔ í release righteousness metaphor refers to borrow someone else's momentum to frighten others. "Zhang Douhong is painted in a very general, being looked down upon, motionless on the move Zhang Daqian scare people, in fact, he and Zhang Daqian...


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