

人心向背定成败对应英文:The public attitude for or against the success or failure

这不是个对联来着哦 要对的话嘛,可以对个 天时顺逆决存亡对应英文:This is not a poetic couplet to Oh to words, on a day when clockwise will survival

《建国大业》所讲的,其实是年抗日战争结束到年月前的国家编年史,并顺便道出人心向背定成败、得民心者得天下的千古道理。共产党的胜利和国民党的失败,历史书...对应英文:"The founding of a republic" say, is actually the year end of the Anti Japanese war years ago to national chronicle, and along the road out of the public attitude for or against the success or failure, popular in the world of eternal truth. The victory of the Communist Party and the Kuomintang's defeat, the history books...

向来是人心向背定成败。具体原因政治上,土改以后广大农民拥军参军保卫胜利果实,增强了解放军实力共产党采取统一战线得到其他阶层党派的拥护国统区人民反内战,反饥...对应英文:Has always been the public attitude for or against the success or failure. The specific political reasons after the land reform, farmers will join the army to defend the fruits of victory, enhanced the liberation army strength Communist united front to get other classes take partisan support from people's anti war, anti hunger...

同意和反对这件事的成败取决于人心向背. 向导 àǎ 领路人. 向火 àǒ 〈方〉∶烤火取暖当日雪下得越大,周氏在房中向火。-...对应英文:Agree with and against it depends on whether the public attitude for or against. The wizard à ǎ guides. '' I t à Party: warm day the snow was more big, Zhou in the room fire. -...

同意和反对 这件事的成败取决于人心向背 . 向导 àǎ 领路人 . 向火 àǒ 〈方〉∶烤火取暖 当日雪下得越大,周氏在房中向...对应英文:Agree with and against it depends on whether the public attitude for or against. The wizard à ǎ guides. '' I t à Party: warm day the snow was more big, Zhou in the room to...

同意和反对 这件事的成败取决于人心向背 向导 àǎ 〖〗领路人 向火 àǒ 〖〗方言∶烤火取暖 当日雪下得越大,周氏在房中向火。--《警...对应英文:Agree with and against it depends on whether the public attitude for or against the wizard à ǎ society guides on à ǒ society dialect: warm day the snow was more big, Zhou in the room fire. Police: "...

、人心的向背是决定战争成败的一个重要因素。在汉朝末年的时候,当时汉朝长达年的历史还是深入人心的,汉献帝还是一面很重要的旗帜,曹操抓住了机会挟天子以令诸...对应英文:The people support or oppose, is an important factor that determines the success or failure of the war. In the Han Dynasty, the Han for years or win support among the people, Han Xiandi or a great banner of Cao Cao, seize the opportunity to make the emperor...

、人心的向背是决定战争成败的一个重要因素。在汉朝末年的时候,当时汉朝长达年的历史还是深入人心的,汉献帝还是一面很重要的旗帜,曹操抓住了机会挟天子以令诸侯统...对应英文:The people support or oppose, is an important factor that determines the success or failure of the war. In the Han Dynasty, the Han for years or win support among the people, Han Xiandi or a great banner, Cao Cao seized the opportunity with the emperor as the princes system...

同意和反对这件事的成败取决于人心向背 . 向导 àǎ 领路人 . 向火 àǒ 〈方〉∶烤火取暖当日雪下得越大...对应英文:Agree with and against it depends on whether the public attitude for or against. The wizard à ǎ guides. '' I t à Party: warm day the snow was more...

、人心的向背是决定战争成败的一个重要因素。、关羽丢失荆州和夷陵之战的惨败,造成诸葛亮著名的隆中对无法实现其伟大的战略意图,从此蜀汉政权由鼎盛时期开始走下坡...对应英文:The people support or oppose, is an important factor that determines the success or failure of the war. Defeat, Guan Yu lost Jingzhou and Yiling battle, causing Zhu Geliang's famous Longzhong strategy can not realize the great strategic intent, from the Shu Han regime began to decline from the heyday...


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