

烂船也有三千钉对应英文:The ship has three thousand nails

是"烂船也有三斤钉"。 即使破烂不堪的船,还有一些钉子等零件可以利用。比喻毁坏的大家伙,还有可利用之处。 相类似的有瘦死的骆驼比马大。对应英文:Is "rotten ship there are three pounds nail". Even if the ship in shreds and patches, and some nails and other parts can be used. Metaphor destroy the big guy, still can use. Similar with thin dead camel is bigger than a horse.

应该是烂船也有三千钉吧 意思类似于 瘦死的骆驼比马大对应英文:Should be a lousy ship also has three thousand nails. It is similar to the thin dead camel is bigger than a horse

比喻毁坏的大家伙,还有可利用之处。   也比喻即使是不好的东西也有可以利用,不可小看的成分。对应英文:Metaphor destroy the big guy, still can use. Also the analogy is not even the good things also can use, can not be underestimated ingredients.

和"瘦死的骆驼比马大"意思相近。形容势力庞大的事物,衰败时,也还存在不小的剩余。不可低估他们的力量。对应英文:And "thin dead camel is bigger than a horse" meaning. Describe a powerful thing, decay, also has not the small surplus. Don't underestimate the power of their.

再烂的东西也有利用价值对应英文:Poor thing also has use value

比喻不好的东西也有可利用的、不可小看的成分。对应英文:Metaphor is not a good thing also can use, can not be underestimated ingredients.

烂船也有三斤铁 比喻不好的东西也有可利用的、不可小看的成分。对应英文:Lousy ship has three catties iron analogy not good things are available, not be underestimated ingredients.

比喻毁坏的大家伙,还有可利用之处。 也比喻即使是不好的东西也有可以利用,不可小看的成分。对应英文:Metaphor destroy the big guy, still can use. Also the analogy is not even the good things also can use, can not be underestimated ingredients.

不要在一棵树上吊死与"不要把鸡蛋放在一个篮子"近似也有遇到困境后应有所变通,不要固执一种选择。 闭塞... 烂船也有三斤铁比喻不好的东西也有可利用的、不可小看的成...对应英文:Do not hang in a tree with "do not put the egg in a basket" approximation also have encountered difficulties after should be flexible, not stubborn a choice. Occlusion... Lousy ship has three catties iron analogy not good things are available, can not be underestimated as...

"丞相,咱们的士卒不习惯在水上作战,是因为长江的风浪太大,船只摇晃得太厉害。如果咱们把几条或几十条大船靠在一起,然后用铁链子连在一起,再用长钉钉牢,船的摇晃程度就...对应英文:"The prime minister, our soldiers are not accustomed to fighting in the water, because the wind is too large, the ship shaking so badly. If we put several or dozens of ship together, and then use the iron chain together, with a long nail, swaying the ship's...


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