

三个臭皮匠对应英文:Two heads are better than
  1.电影 三个臭皮匠
  外文名称 3 p'tits cochons, Les
  更多中文片名:三只小猪、三只懒蛤蟆更多外文片名:The 3 L'il Pigs.....Canada (literal title) (English title) 
  导演: 帕特里克·华德 Patrick Huard 
  Claude Lalonde ....writer 

最初的结果表明:是的,三个臭皮匠果然更强。对应英文:Initial results show that: yes, two heads were stronger.

那么,如果你不想有个像《三个臭皮匠》一集里那样的结果,就看看如何整理你的线吧。对应英文:So, if you don't want to there is a "two heads are better than the result of the episode that, just look at how to arrange your line.

最后,如果我们考虑一下根据三个臭皮匠胜过诸葛亮的原则,把集思广益的人数扩张成四个,五个或多个臭皮匠会有何后果是很有意思的。对应英文:Finally, if we consider based on the principle of three heads are better than zhuge liang, the expansion of the number of ideas into four, five or more heads are what will the consequences is very interesting.

这意味着三个臭皮匠虽然可以顶过诸葛亮,但这只有在我们能够开诚布公的讨论自己不同的看法观点时才行。对应英文:This means that two heads are better than can be better than zhuge liang, but this only if we are able to openly discuss their different perspectives.

那么,如果你不想有个像《三个臭皮匠》一集里那样的结果,就看看如何整理你的线吧。对应英文:So, if you don't want to there is a "two heads are better than the result of the episode that, just look at how to arrange your line.

最后,如果我们考虑一下根据三个臭皮匠胜过诸葛亮的原则,把集思广益的人数扩张成四个,五个或多个臭皮匠会有何后果是很有意思的。对应英文:Finally, if we consider based on the principle of three heads are better than zhuge liang, the expansion of the number of ideas into four, five or more heads are what will the consequences is very interesting.

为了测试三个臭皮匠是否真能强过诸葛亮,科学家们将这些共同作出的决定与单独作出的决定进行了比较。对应英文:In order to test whether two heads really can better than zhuge liang, scientists will jointly with the decision made by the decision alone.

但是我认为我在那里真真学到的是合作带来的价值,三个臭皮匠赛过诸葛亮,不能仅仅相信你自己的能力。对应英文:But I think I really learned there is cooperation brings the value of the three heads are better than, can't just believe in your own abilities.

三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮。对应英文:Two heads are better than one various ge bright.

三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。对应英文:Two heads are better than one zhuge liang.

毕竟“三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮”,两个人一起工作能取得更好的成果。对应英文:After all are better than one "" two heads are better than,, two people work together to achieve better results.

三个臭皮匠顶上一个诸葛亮。对应英文:The top two heads are better than one.

俗话说“ 三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮”,经过几次比较后,亚运村附近的楼盘脱颖而出。对应英文:As the saying goes "two heads are better than one various ge bright", after a few times more, Asian games village nearby buildings stand out.

三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮,各项业务效率尽管放心!对应英文:One, two heads, various business efficiency though rest assured!

三个臭皮匠,赛过一个诸葛亮。对应英文:Two heads are better than, better than zhuge liang.


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