

菱角磨作鸡头对应英文:As a water mill
  菱角磨作鸡头   拼音: líng jiǎo mó zuò jī tóu 简拼: ljmt   近义词:  反义词:    用法:     解释: 比喻困难大,波折多。   出处:    例子:    谒后语:     谜语:     成语故事:     相关成语   菱角磨作鸡头      




老蚕作茧 老蚕吐丝作茧,把自己包在里面。比喻自己束缚自己。 菱角磨作鸡头 比喻困难大,波折多。 扭直作曲 比喻是非颠倒。 蛮来生作 形容强迫。 弄虚作假 耍花招欺骗...对应英文:Laocanzuojian old silkworms spin cocoons, wrapped inside. Figurative he bound their. The water mill as a metaphor of the difficulties, setbacks more. Niuzhizuoqu metaphor confound right and wrong. Describe forced to do by force. Resort to deceit tricks to cheat...

挢揉造作 矫揉造作 精耕细作 九原可作 苦中作乐 拉大旗作虎皮 老蚕作茧 菱角磨作鸡头 令人作呕 乱作胡为 乱作一团 蛮来生作 磨杵作针 默不作声 谋道作舍 拿班作势 拿...对应英文:Jiaorouzaozuo artificial intensive and meticulous farming to enjoy life though hard up use the great banner as a tiger-skin Laocanzuojian caltrop grinding head turn one's stomach disorder for Hu made a scene of chaos Perseverence spells success. do by force Moudaozuoshe Nabanzuoshi took hold one's tongue...

将无作有 交能易作 挢揉造作 矫揉造作 精耕细作 九原可作 苦中作乐 拉大旗作虎皮 老蚕作茧 菱角磨作鸡头 令人作呕 乱作胡为 乱作一团 蛮来生作 磨杵作针 默不作声 谋...对应英文:Jiangwuzuoyou Jiaonengyizuo Jiaorouzaozuo artificial intensive and meticulous farming to enjoy life though hard up use the great banner as a tiger-skin Laocanzuojian caltrop grinding head turn one's stomach disorder for Hu made a scene of chaos Perseverence spells success. hold one's tongue to do by force...

见几而作 将无作有 交能易作 挢揉造作 矫揉造作 精耕细作 九原可作 苦中作乐 拉大旗作虎皮 老蚕作茧 菱角磨作鸡头 令人作呕 乱作胡为 乱作一团 蛮来生作 磨杵作针 默...对应英文:Take immediate measures when finding symptoms Jiangwuzuoyou Jiaonengyizuo Jiaorouzaozuo artificial intensive and meticulous farming to enjoy life though hard up use the great banner as a tiger-skin Laocanzuojian caltrop grinding head turn one's stomach disorder for Hu made a scene of chaos Perseverence spells success. do by force...

磨穿铁砚 磨杵成针 磨而不磷,涅而不缁 磨刀不误砍柴工 磨动 磨砖成镜 磨刀霍霍 菱角磨作鸡头 临阵磨枪 昏镜重磨 好事多磨 刮垢磨光 耳鬓斯磨 砥行磨名 砥砺琢磨 磨盘...对应英文:Long years of ardent study perseverance will prevail determined wood workers Modaomen not mistaken wave in cycle water mill as a ground brick into mirror sharpen one's knife for Hunjingzhongmo all play together and cling to each other Dilizhuomo disc Dihangmoming improve constantly for perfection...

◎【宁为鸡口,无为牛后】比喻人宁可在小场面中自主,也不要在大场面为人所支配。◎【菱角磨作鸡头】有棱有角的菱角被磨成圆滑的鸡头。比喻人历经众多苦难挫折。◎【...对应英文:◎ [Ning for chicken, inaction may] analogy people prefer in small scenes in independent, but also not in the scene is dominated by man. ◎ [for] water grinding head angular water chestnut is made into a sleek head. Describe people through many suffering setbacks. ◎ [...

◎【菱角磨作鸡头】有棱有角的菱角被磨成圆滑的鸡头。比喻人历经众多苦难挫折。 ◎【公鸡给黄鼠狼拜年】凶多吉少。黄鼠狼喜欢吃鸡,公鸡向黄鼠狼拜年,必定大难临头。...对应英文:◎ [for] water grinding head angular water chestnut is made into a sleek head. Describe people through many suffering setbacks. ◎ [to] be fraught with grim possibilities pay New Year's call the weasel. The weasel like to eat chicken, rooster to weasel pay New Year's call, must A great calamity is at hand. ...

鸡豚之息 井蛙醯鸡 鸡鹜相争 鸡鹜争食 鸡胸龟背 鸡犬之声相闻,老死不相往来 鸡争鹅斗 菱角磨作鸡头 木鸡养到 牛刀割鸡 牛鼎烹鸡 宁为鸡口,不为牛后 宁为鸡口,无为牛后...对应英文:Jitunzhixi Jingwaxiji Jiwuxiangzheng pigeon-breast and humpback Jiwuzhengshi neighbors, never in contact with water as Jizhengedou grinding head wood a chicken to great talent used in petty things break a butterfly on the wheel rather chicken mouth, not a cow chicken for export, inaction may...

头重脚轻 摇头晃脑 楞头楞脑 埋头苦干 初露头角 源头活水 头昏脑胀 摇头摆尾 蝇头小利 狗血喷头 菱角磨作鸡头 虎头虎脑 蓬头历齿 昂头阔步 昂头挺胸 墙头马上 乌头白...对应英文:Top-heavy reckless look pleased with oneself work with quiet hard application make first appearance springhead feel dizzy shake the head and wag petty profits pour out a torrent of abuse caltrop grinding head with hair unshevelled and teeth incomplete swagger as looking dignified and strong ideal setting for a couple in love with chest and head high Aconitum white...

立于不败之地 立于处在。使自己处在不会失败的地位。 菱角磨作鸡头 比喻困难大,波折多。 流言止于智者 没有根据的话,传到有头脑的人那里就不能再流传了。形容谣言经...对应英文:In the remain invincible in the. Make yourself in not the failure of the status. The water mill as a metaphor of the difficulties, setbacks more. Gossip stops to the groundless words, to the thinking people there cannot be spread. Describe the rumor has been...


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