

身在福中不知福对应英文:Take it forgranted

愚人总是身在福中不知福。对应英文:Fools never know when they are well off.

身在福中不知福。对应英文:Take it forgranted.

年轻人总是身在福中不知福。对应英文:Young people always take it forgranted.

多 年以来, 我们一直徜徉在温暖的母爱的海洋中, 甚至还身在福中不知福, 把一切视为是理所当然的。对应英文:Over the years, we have been wandering in the warm love of the ocean, and even take it forgranted, everything is seen as behoove.

细数你所得到的,你可能已经拥有了很多生命中渴望得到的事物,切勿身在福中不知福。对应英文:If you have, you may have been to many things in life, don't take it forgranted.

有过以上情形之后,你会受到身在福中不知福的自责;或者你会得到不知好歹的名声。对应英文:Have above situation, you will be take it forgranted remorse; or you will get not to know good from bad reputation.

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