

敲葫芦震瓢对应英文:Knock the gourd ladle earthquake

既然葫芦虫具有实用和观赏两重价值,那么挑选葫芦也就应该从这两个角度来考虑。作为一般玩好者来说,应该侧...另外可以用手指敲一敲葫芦,如发音清脆明亮,似有金属之声,便是...对应英文:Since the gourd worm has practical and ornamental double value, then select the gourd also should from the two point of view. As a general to play good, should be the side... And can use fingers knock gourd, such as bright and clear pronunciation, like the sound of metal, is...

对于名家作品因失误或偶然所造成的乃至汉印中残破致失的作品,切忌照葫芦画瓢地照搬,要凭借艺术鉴别力动脑筋修改,残破切忌弄巧成拙、画蛇添足而适得其反。对应英文:The famous works by error or accident caused by the Chinese printing and dilapidated induced loss of work, do not copy to copy, by virtue of virtuosity brains modification, broken avoid self defeating, superfluous and run counter to one's desire.

如何选择一把好葫芦"实用的"就是说要看您想养什么虫,来选择最适宜的葫芦!葫芦种类有很多,例如蝈蝈葫芦的...另外可以用手指敲一敲葫芦,如过声音清脆,象含有金属的声音,...对应英文:How to choose a good bottle gourd "practical" is to see what you want to keep insects, to select the most suitable gourd! There are a lot of cucurbit species, such as DES sauterelles gourd... Also can use fingers knock gourd, such as the sound crisp, like metal containing sound,...

就在他回家的路上,清兵卫看到墙上粘贴了一张"寻物启示",上有几个熟悉的字眼--"葫芦",于是清兵卫好奇的要教员和他停下脚步看看,"寻物启示"上分明写道户家的一个宝葫芦...对应英文:On his way home, samurai saw the wall sticking a piece of "search of enlightenment", there are several familiar words -- "gourd", so the samurai curious to the teacher and he stopped to have a look, "search of enlightenment" clearly wrote home a gourd...

阿庆嫂倒茶--滴水不漏 岸上捞月--白费功夫 按下葫芦起了瓢--此起彼落 八股文的格式--千篇一律 八月十五蒸年糕--趁早(枣) 芭蕉插在古树上--粗枝大叶 拔草引蛇--自讨...对应英文:A qingsao tea -- watertight shore fishing -- vain Press played a gourd dipper - as one falls, another rises stereotyped writing format, follow the same pattern in August fifteen steamed New Year cake -- as early as possible (jujube) banana inserted in the old -- Crude and careless weeding -- asked for a snake...

五车书 父子兵 父母官 钻空子 耳边风忘年交 应声虫 闷葫芦 杯中物 迷魂汤 迷魂阵 破天荒恶作剧 莫须有 紧箍咒 眼中钉 眼中刺 绵中针 解语花敲门砖 敲边鼓 敲竹杠 癞蛤...对应英文:The five book for his soldiers parent loopholes unheeded advice friendship between generations yesman enigma wine intended to turn sb.'s head maze epoch-making practical joke unwarranted inhibition deep hatred thorn needle cotton in intelligent flower astepping-stone to success beat the drum on the side ripped off a toad...

没法办 秃子的脑壳----无发(法)无天 按下葫芦起了瓢--顾了这头丢那头此起彼落 案板顶门--管得宽 案板上的擀面杖--光棍一条 案板上的肉--任人宰割随人宰割 案板上的鱼...对应英文:Can't do bald skull -- no hair (Law) no day press played a gourd dipper - Gu the head lose the chopping board door as one falls, another rises -- tube was wide through the rolling pin -- a Bachelor of meat - trampled upon with others through the fish...

挂羊头卖狗肉借用好的名义做幌子干坏事 吃不了兜着走担待不起,弄得下不了台 按下葫芦浮起瓢问题多令人顾此失彼 不看僧面看佛面看另一个人的情面以满足这个人的要...对应英文:Nominal cheat borrow good as a cover to do bad things get more than one bargained for cannot afford to get down, press the gourd dipper float problem much care for this and lose that out of deference to sb. else see another person to meet this person to be...

瓢   又名牺杓。用葫芦剖开制成,或用木头雕凿而成,作舀水用。   竹夹   用桃、柳、蒲葵木或柿心木制成,长一尺,两头包银,用来煎茶激汤。   熟盂   用陶...对应英文:Also known as sacrifice gourd dipper. Made from a gourd cut open, or wood carving, as the water use. Bamboo clip made of peach, willow, palm wood or persimmon heart wood, one foot, two silver packets, used for frying tea Jitang. Familiar with Yu tao...

下马威 无底洞 五车书 父子兵 父母官 钻空子 耳边风 忘年交 应声虫 闷葫芦 杯中物 迷魂汤 迷魂阵 破天荒 恶作剧 莫须有 紧箍咒 眼中钉 眼中刺 绵中针 解语花 敲门砖 ...对应英文:Run a bottomless pit five book for his soldiers parent loopholes unheeded advice friendship between generations yesman enigma wine intended to turn sb.'s head maze epoch-making practical joke unwarranted inhibition deep hatred thorn needle cotton in intelligent flower astepping-stone to success...


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