

士为知已者死对应英文:People have been known to die

"士为知己者死,女为悦己者容"――――这是一条流传颇广的一条古训,反映了一种"提携玉龙为君 死"的知恩图报精神。尤其是中国的知识分子,一方面洁身自好,"凤非梧桐不栖...对应英文:"For friends who are dead, female for Yue oneself person look" -- this is a fairly wide spread of an old adage, reflects a "carrying ERON king and die" the spirit of gratitude. Especially China intellectuals, hand clean, "Feng non plane not habitat...

此语出自《战国策·赵策》士为知已者死,女为悦已者容士男人知己者赏识自己的人悦使……高兴。悦已就是使自己高兴。意为,自己心 爱的人。容作动词用,修饰、打扮。...对应英文:It was taken from the "Warring States", Zhao Ce "interest is the best teacher", female Yuet Yung, a man who appreciated his pleasant to...... Happy. Yue has is to make oneself happy. Meaning, his heart love. Is used as a verb, modification, dress. ...

"士为知己者死,女为悦己者容"――――这是一条流传颇广的一条古训,反映了一种"提携玉龙为君死"的知恩图报精神。尤其是中国的知识分子,一方面洁身自好,"凤非梧桐不栖"...对应英文:"For friends who are dead, female for Yue oneself person look" -- this is a fairly wide spread of an old adage, reflects a "carrying ERON king and die" the spirit of gratitude. Especially China intellectuals, hand clean, "Feng non plane not habitat"...

意思是说,古代的壮士/谋士/士(就是有能力有才能的人)可以为了和自己心意相通的知己而死亡,女子为了自己喜欢的人而装点打扮自己,以博取爱人的欢心对应英文:Mean, the ancient warrior / counselor / person (that is, the ability of talented people) can to and his heart bosom friend died, the woman in order to people like themselves and decorated themselves up, to get love

士为知己者死   还有一种说法是"士为知己者用",这其中的区别并不大,用也好,死也罢,其背后都是同一股热血...更是为士为知己的报恩。姜维最明确而最坚定的目标是为诸葛亮...对应英文:For friends who are dead there is a saying "for friends who are using", or the difference is not big, too, died, behind which are of the same blood... Is for friends of gratitude. Jiang Weizui clear and firm goal is for Zhu Geliang...

"女为悦己者容,士为知己者死",他们为了报答他人的知遇之恩,就不惜生命、刚烈永诀,为朋友赴汤蹈火、义无反顾,他们身上体现的古代英雄节义、精神价值,永远让后世感佩仰...对应英文:"Women who have capacity for Yue, for friends who are dead", they in order to repay others autobiography, even at the expense of life, in part, for the friends, proceed without hesitation, they embody the ancient heroes of righteousness, spiritual value, always let us back later...

出处 《战国策·赵策一》"士为知己者死,女为悦己者容,吾其报知氏之雠矣。" 汉˙刘向《说苑》"生我者父母,知我者鲍子也。士为知己者死,而况为之哀乎!" 清·吴趼人《二...对应英文:From "Zhao Ceyi" Warring States "for friends who are dead, female for Yue oneself person look, I report's enemy. "The Chinese," said Liu Yuan "" my parents, who knows me and Bao Zi. For friends who are dead, let alone to cry! "Qing, Wu's" two...

应为"士为知己者死,女为悦己者容," 语出《战国策·赵策》"晋阳之孙豫让事知伯,知伯宠之,及赵襄子杀知伯,豫让逃山中,曰'嗟呼!士为知己者用,女为悦己者容,吾其报智氏矣...对应英文:Should be "for friends who are dead, female for Yue oneself person look," the phrase "Warring States" Zhao Ce "due to the sun and let things know", know "the pet, and Zhao Xiangzi known to kill Bo, Yu rang out in the mountains, Japan ''s call! Who was friends with, female for Yue themselves, I quote Zhi's...

士为知己者用,女为悦己者容,吾其报智氏矣 豫让说的对应英文:For friends who are using, female for Yue oneself person look, I quote Zhi's rang said

这是古代的一句话直译过来 就是说 士兵、大臣会为相信自己才能的将领、皇帝献出生命也在所不惜 花会为喜欢自己的人而艳丽的绽放引申一下就成为了我们今天的意思朋友...对应英文:This is a sentence literal ancient here said the soldiers, the minister will give life to believe the generals, the emperor also not to hesitate to flower to love their people and gorgeous bloom extended have become our friends today...


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