

英雄有用武之地对应英文:Heroes play

平时我们可能会担心自己英雄无用武之地,但是一旦你有了用武之地或许就会忙到半死。对应英文:We may worry that their hero no play, but once you have a play may be busy to death.

随着经历的不断丰富,渐渐地,觉得机遇的确非常重要,如果没有机遇,即使你有济世之才,也必将是“英雄无用武之地”。对应英文:As experience enriched, gradually, think the opportunity is indeed very important, if there is no opportunity, even if you have Jishizhicai, will also be "a hero with no play".

平时我们可能会担心自己英雄无用武之地,但是一旦你有了用武之地或许就会忙到半死。对应英文:We may worry that their hero no play, but once you have a play may be busy to death.

随着经历的不断丰富,渐渐地,觉得机遇的确非常重要,如果没有机遇,即使你有济世之才,也必将是“英雄无用武之地”。对应英文:As experience enriched, gradually, think the opportunity is indeed very important, if there is no opportunity, even if you have Jishizhicai, will also be "a hero with no play".


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