

无盐不解jie淡对应英文:Unsalted puzzled Jie light

解是明白,理解 的意思所以读 三声。对应英文:The solution is to understand, understand the meaning of the three tone.

应该是读()对应英文:Should be read ()

解懂得。对应英文:Solution to.

解读ě不读è读è时是一个姓 数应该读ǔ对应英文:Interpretation of ě don't read è read è is a surname number should read ǔ

百思不解 百思莫解 半解一知 杯酒解怨 冰解的破 百思不得其解 冰解冻释 冰解壤分 冰解云散 冰散瓦解 冰消...瓦解星散 下回分解 消愁解闷 无盐不解淡 熏风解愠 阳解阴毒 ...对应英文:A hundred times remain perplexed despite much thought Banjieyizhi glass of wine solution hatred Bingjiedepo puzzle be dispelled as the thawing of ice Bingjierangfen Bingjieyunsan ice scattered collapse deglaciation... Crumbling relieve the loneliness and grief no light Xunfengjieyun Yangjieyindu at next time...

念(第三声),意思是明白、懂得。 不解即不懂得。 后面两句诗的意思是-- 他不懂得怎么隐瞒这件事,于是水面上的浮萍留下了划船的踪迹。对应英文:Nian (third), means to understand, understand. Understand that do not understand. Behind the poem means -- he doesn't know how to hide it, so the water duckweed left boating trail.

唐庚《文录》引唐人诗"山僧不解数甲子,一叶落知天下秋。" 解读三声 数读四声 意思是说山里的和尚并不计算年月,但从一片落叶便可知天下已是秋天了。这两句原本...对应英文:Tang Geng "the book" Yin Tang poetry "mountain monk not skill Jia Zi, A fallen leaf tells the season. "Interpretation of the three acoustic number read four mean the monk doesn't count the years, but from a leaf knowable world was in autumn. The two original...

何足介意 不足介意 煞有介事 一介不取 一介书生 一介不苟 一介之才 一介之善熏风解愠 迷惑不解 解衣盘磅 发蒙解缚 支分族解 枝分缕解 支纷节解 支分节解 鱼烂瓦解 迎...对应英文:Not worth a thought Hezujieyi make such a fuss about does not take ordinary be nothing but a scholar Yijiebugou Yijiezhicai Yijiezhishan Xunfengjieyun be very much puzzled by Jieyipanbang Famengjiefu Zhifenzujie branch points to explain in detail Zhifenjiejie Zhifenjiejie Yulanwajie attack...

"了解知道"的意思。 不知道需要隐藏行踪,竟然在水面浮萍上划出了一道明显的水路来对应英文:"Know". Don't know to hide whereabouts, even on the surface of the water and made a clear water

大家凑在一起,恭请他破例发言,他俯顺众情,当以通说,听众无不欢喜赞叹。名士琅邪王澄,也是个谈玄说道的高手...探讨着许多为世人不解的问题。而卫玠苦苦追求这些问题的答案...对应英文:Everyone together, you he'll speak, he stooped shun the feeling, when to say no, the listener joy praise. Mrs. Wang Cheng is a celebrity, talk a Xuan said master... On the many people puzzled problems. But Wei Jie seeking answers to these questions...


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