

一动不如一静对应英文:Move than a static
一动不如一静,拼为yī dòng bù rú yī jìng,比喻多一事不如少一事。出自宋•张端义《贵耳集》卷上。

“解铃还须系铃”、“求不如求己,一动不如一静”、“冤有债有主,如饮冷暖自知”这些也都出自老僧名言,高僧句。对应英文:"Is better to be the bell", "we must not lie down please, move than a static", "case with debt have a Lord, such as water affair" these are from the old monk, the monk.

既如此,我以为在黄河问题上,较为稳妥和明智的原则是:一动不如一静。对应英文:So, I think on the question of the Yellow River, is relatively safe and sensible principle is: move than a static.

“解铃还须系铃”、“求不如求己,一动不如一静”、“冤有债有主,如饮冷暖自知”这些也都出自老僧名言,高僧句。对应英文:"Is better to be the bell", "we must not lie down please, move than a static", "case with debt have a Lord, such as water affair" these are from the old monk, the monk.

既如此,我以为在黄河问题上,较为稳妥和明智的原则是:一动不如一静。对应英文:So, I think on the question of the Yellow River, is relatively safe and sensible principle is: move than a static.

俗语一动不如一静yī dòng bù rú yī jìng是http://www.1617c.com翻译整理编辑,详细注释了中文意思及例子和对应的英文,如需转载请注明出处。原文地址:http://www.1617c.com/changyong/693.shtml,如随意抓取,会追究相关责任。

  宋· 张端义《 贵耳集》卷上:“孝守幸天竺及灵隐,有僧辉相随。见飞来峰,问辉曰:‘既是飞来,如何不飞去?’对曰:‘一动不如一静。’”

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