

割鸡焉用牛刀对应英文:Cut the chicken with the wheel

比喻办小事情用不着花大气力。 出处 先秦·孔子《论语·阳货》"子之武城,闻弦歌之声,夫子莞尔而笑曰'割鸡焉用牛刀'"对应英文:Parable do small things don't have to spend great efforts. From pre Qin, Confucius "Analects of Confucius" goods "of Wu, Wen chord songs sound, master laugh but faintly said 'why use an ox cleaver a chicken"

出处 《论语·阳货》"子之武城,闻弦歌之声。夫子莞尔而笑,曰'割鸡焉用牛刀。'" 示例 "~"不劳温侯亲往,吾斩众诸侯首级,如探囊取物耳。(明·罗贯中《三国演义》第五回...对应英文:From "the Analects of Confucius" goods "of Wu, Wen chord songs sound. Well pleased and smiling, he said, "why use an ox knife to kill a fowl?" '"example" ~ "don't dear to Jan van Leuven Hou, I cut all the princes head, such as out of one's pocket ear. (Ming Luo Guanzhong "the romance of the Three Kingdoms" fifth times...

满腹才学 无处施展 自比牛刀却被人用来杀鸡 怀才不遇对应英文:No place to display than a bellyful scholarship from being used to kill a chicken be frustrated for all one's talent

《论语·阳货》"子之武城,闻弦歌之声。夫子莞尔而笑,曰'割鸡焉用牛刀。'"对应英文:"The Analects of Confucius" goods "of Wu, Wen chord songs sound. Well pleased and smiling, he said, "why use an ox knife to kill a fowl?" '"

城,他的学生子游,名叫言偃,当时在武城做官。 孔子听到了弹琴唱歌的声音,他微笑着说"杀鸡何必要用杀牛的刀呢"意思是说,治理这样一个小地方,用不着施行礼乐教育。想不...对应英文:City, his students travel, named Yan Yan, at that time in the Wucheng official. Confucius heard piano singing voice, he said with a smile "you why should use cattle knife" mean, governance in such a small place, no etiquette and music education. Don't think...

一到可以把鸡分尸 也可以理解大题小做 或者是杀机给猴看!! 兄弟,你的问题必须智商高的人才能搞点.对应英文:One can put the chicken body can also understand little about a major issue or murder to monkey see!! brother, your question must be intelligent person can make

杀只鸡何必用宰牛的刀。比喻办小事情用不着花大气力。对应英文:Why kill chicken slaughtering knife. Parable do small things don't have to spend great efforts.

夫子莞尔而笑,曰"割鸡焉用牛刀"子游对曰"昔者偃也闻诸夫子曰'君子学道则爱人,小人学道则易使也。'"子曰"二三子!偃之言是也。前言戏之耳。" 翻译孔子到武城,听见...对应英文:The teacher laugh but faintly, said "why use an ox cleaver a chicken" Zi replied "Xizhe Yan also heard, Confucius' the gentleman, is love, is easy to learn but also. '"Confucius" two or three words is also derived. The play of the ear. "Translation Confucius to Wu, hear...

夫子莞尔而笑曰"割鸡焉用牛刀"子游对曰"昔者偃也闻诸夫子曰'君子学道则爱人,小人学道则易使也。'"子曰"二三子!偃之言是也。前言戏之耳。" 解孔子...对应英文:The teacher laugh but faintly said "why use an ox cleaver a chicken" Zi replied "Xizhe Yan also heard, Confucius' the gentleman, is love, is easy to learn but also. '"Confucius" two or three words is also derived. The play of the ear. "Confucius solution...

夫子莞尔而笑曰"割鸡焉用牛刀"子游对曰"昔者偃也闻诸夫子曰'君子学道则爱人,小人学道则易使也。'"子曰"二三子!偃之言是也。前言戏之耳。" 解 孔子的学生...对应英文:The teacher laugh but faintly said "why use an ox cleaver a chicken" Zi replied "Xizhe Yan also heard, Confucius' the gentleman, is love, is easy to learn but also. '"Confucius" two or three words is also derived. The play of the ear. "Solution Confucius students...


示 例 “~”?不劳温侯亲往,吾斩众诸侯首级,如 探囊取物耳。( 明· 罗贯中《 三国演义》第五回) 用法:作宾语、分句;指不值得小题大做 英文:why make unnessarily great efforts to do trivial things as using a butcher's ox-cleaver to kill a chicken 谓处理小事何用礼乐。后用以喻做小事情不值得用大的力量。鸡,也写作“鸡”。

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